First of thanks for all the info I've gotten from this site. With a little searching, I'm learning a lot about our new 48 D24. One simple thing I could use help on. I'd like to change the points as part of the first tune up. But I'm having trouble reaching down into the distributor. I'm standing on a milk crate, reaching down there feeling like I'm gonna fall headfirst into the engine compartment.
I had a 68 Dart as a kid, with the sland 6 and I would just take out the distributor to change and gap the points.......found it easier, but this dist is harder to get to. So.........
Do your guys just take out the distributor to change and gap the point, or do that with it in the car?
Also is it best to use pertroleum jelly on the felt to lube the cam, or is there something better now.