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David Dyer

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  • Gender
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    East Tenn
  • Interests
    Old cars and trucks.

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  1. Body with bed looks solid 23 pix 1100.00 dollars.
  2. When I turn my speedo by hand the needle comes up and stays where I stop it until I back it down by hand. What gives?
  3. This is my daily driver . In summer my 66 mustang convertible.
  4. This is my daily driver . In summer my 66 mustang convertible.
  5. My mother made some of my shirts in grammar school from flour and feed sacks, I was very proud of them, she was a very good seamstress . Precious Memories how they linger!
  6. Has anyone had any success with stop leak for a heater core? It's not pouring just seeping.
  7. You maybe right, Mine maybe different.
  8. I just went thru this, there are 3 brass rivets on each side, grind them off and then when reassembling use small pop rivets.
  9. Thanks Don,I am so glad I joined this Forum!
  10. What is the easiest solution to rusted away gas pedal studs in floor on P15? Are replacements Available?
  11. NAPA. 16.00 plus tax
  12. Well I found my problem! The pigtail be tween the points and the coil wire terminal was made of stiff wire and had broken at the terminal so when the plate would move it would bounce and lose contact! Iam making a new one with flexible wire so there is no pressure on the ends. Thanks to the ones who made suggestions! David
  13. I just bought the car a month ago, so I don't know about the ignition system , but it ran really good until it did not. Carb has been Rebuilt. It acts like my model A Ford when the condenser goes bad.
  14. Was fine one day ,next day could not even drive it. Accelerator gives a good squirt of fuel but it back fires and pops idles fine. Help!
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