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Conroe Powdercoating

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Everything posted by Conroe Powdercoating

  1. dot 3 is supposed to be happy with all systems of old
  2. I went and looked and yup on the manifold port, so I removed the plug and screwed in a brass nipple and I find that I have 20 at idle, my points are still set at .018
  3. my wipers are electric, Ill go look for the vacuum port though. Don answered, mine does exactly as he said it should, my confusion was the difference between manifold and ported vacuum. I could see how the advance would like what the ported vacuum was doing but didnt see 18-21 at idle and it was because I was reading ported and not manifold vacuum.
  4. 51 cranbrook, 218, bone stock at idle, with vacuum guage connected at the nipple seen on the side of this carb, I get zero vacuum at idle. when rpm's are increased it goes all the way up to 21 vacuum. If you look at the carb nipple, you can see by the shape of the body that it leads up and into the throat of the carb. The other raised channel is the port on the bottom of the carb that leads up to the carb bowl vent. from reading the other thread, I think I am supposed to have 21 vacuum at idle? I dont see how its possible with the nipple running to carb throat instead of getting vacuum source at the manifold somewhere (there isnt a spot as you know) By watching the vacuum guage, I see the distributor advance is getting vacuum when it needs it at rpm's, so I am majorly confused.
  5. first off, welcome to the forum, I have to say I think it has nothing to do with being a jerk at all, I am thinking it has everything to do with this is another thread asking others to do the search's for you. Both threads were extremely easy subject matter to find tons of info if someone had the slightest inkling to want to participate. I understand, its easier to post a question and hope someone takes the time to write down a huge answer that could have easily be found with very little effort. Its not about shunning forum participation, its all about helping those that help themselves. I wish you luck with your car, but real world, you sound like you could care less about, while on the other hand, these forum members do care very much about these cars and are more than willing to help. Help does not constitute doing the work for you, sorry. BTW, Mr. Don is a walking manual, treat him with respect and the pages might yield what ya need.
  6. ^^ you forgot "used to be in Elvis Presleys race car", anything with elvis or john wayne makes it mo' betta' and twice as much, $200!
  7. these motors were tested at 3600 rpm's for days on end. the straight fan on the motor makes it sound worse than it is. buzz that critter up thar' and if its in good shape she will perform well for you no worries. Mine is a 51 218 w/ 3 speed and 4.11 rear, 70 series 15's and I cruise it at 70 mph no worries, not long stretches but its not like you have to stare at the speedo for for fear of going to fast. Mine cruises 60-65 effortlessly.
  8. ^^^ and priced like "unobtanium"
  9. I have to say there is no bolt in rear end option unless its another old one found in the ratio you want. I also have to say there is a ton of info on rear end swaps on this forum alone much less "the web" you are in the right spot. There is a lot to read about and to much to sit and type, seriously, type in "explorer rear" or "rear swap" or "highway gears" in the search box and dedicate some reading time and then you will learn what you want. On the modern rears I mentioned earlier, you get the benefits of upgraded modern brakes either disc or drum but you have to relocate the spring perches and have some driveshaft work.
  10. do a search, you will find tons of info on the explorer rear and dakota and cherokee etc etc etc. 3.5 - 3.73 ratio seems to be the recommended happy range
  11. my 51 cranbrook fuel guage goes up to approx half way and thats all its ever shown since I owned it. Today I yanked the sender out and via moving the arm found that the sender itself was working but the floats were soaked and heavy. They were two pieces of round cork that looked to have been shellacked or something used to seal them who knows how long ago. (They look vintage and if you look at 'em just the right way, on one you can see a staining of the virgin Mary and on the other one Abraham Lincoln, I'll sell em, just sayin') I of course dont have a shitpile of cork laying around, but I do have a weird assortment of used brass carb floats, so I strapped one to the arm basically laying the same way the cork was and BLAMMO, my guage works properly now! Yippee
  12. damn, dunno what happened, it wouldnt show the quote or post when I tried to reply. anyways, with compression readings like that, You need to freshen the engine up, I personally wouldnt aid in its well worn demise by adding more compression.
  13. are you going altered wheelbase with it?
  14. probably 413 wedge with the cross ram
  15. for 250, go and get your head milled .080 and then spend the rest on beer, rubbers and hookers
  16. I can say on a 95 degree day yesterday, I drove 20 miles at 60+ mph, to the bank, turned it off at the teller window, fired right up, went and drove to a customers shop and made a delivery and shut it off and fired right up 3-5 minutes later, went to the taco joint drive through and shut it off and a couple minutes later fired it right up. BEFORE the shield, that would have NEVER happened, I knew better than it shut it off. With the shield, it worries me no more, she fires right up. the fuel line wrap and exhaust wrap I did helped, but the big resolve or band-aid if you will, was the install of the shield to protect the carb bowl, fact.
  17. I've always set them at .018, but I dont have a manual, guess ill get em set to .020. I remember when I was a wee lad, an old dude told me to take the old point set apart that your replacing and use the flat strap metal as a feeler, usually its around 18 he said.
  18. damn man thats a slick ride indeed! It looks great! glad they worked out for ya too.
  19. so Fargos are beefier built? do they use the same as maybe a 3/4 - 1 ton or bigger? might look those numbers up and see if it jives to what you have
  20. I got my MC from rockauto.com
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