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Terry in Bozrah

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Everything posted by Terry in Bozrah

  1. I work for General Dynamic, Electric Boat in CT as a Piping Designer.(25 yrs)
  2. I just Love this picture of Powerhouse and his Young Lady, very nice. I'd love to pull up to a car show with the Period cloths of my truck. My question where do I look for cloths in my size from the late 40's? Thanks Terry http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a9/m_maringola/besttree39web.jpg
  3. Hey Don What's that guy doing to your ear!!! Ha Ha Thanks Pflaming It's a 20ft paint job but I have fun with her.
  4. A better picture, can't find a new one with just me and the truck! I'm on the left.
  5. I like the teeth in the cowl. Very nicly done. TK
  6. Try Wal-mart, I picked one up for the Power Wagon for under $30 bucks. Fits nice!
  7. Yeah that would be a nice little ride Norm! Got the wood for the back of the PW but to bang cood right now in the garage(+6). Collecting parts and pieces for the WC Military. Debating weather to put a 230 or the larger 251in her, both need a rebuild so I'm heading more for the 251? Been doing the learking thing, need to send some cash into this site soon!
  8. Now this would make a SWEET ride! Again NOT mine. http://cnj.craigslist.org/cto/993559467.html
  9. Very Nice, but not mine! http://maine.craigslist.org/cto/990284850.html[/img]
  10. Thanks guys:o Terry
  11. I used the PC-7 two part epoxy that you can get at your local hardware store. Primed with ployester primer and I can't remeber what paint I used but just ask you local paint shop and they will help you out. Here is the link to my steering wheel repair. The one mistake that I made is the horn button is to tight, when I press it, sometime it stick. http://imageevent.com/terryandlinda/dumpbedncrank?n=0&z=3&c=2&x=0&m=14&w=0&p=0
  12. A PW buddy is doing a Road trip if anyone needs something hauled. Click on link, Ron's a really good guy. Tell him I sent you. Terry http://www.dodgepowerwagon.com/wwwboard/messages/2870058.html
  13. Rem Where in Ct are you? I'm just west of Norwich. Looks good co-grat's:cool: Terry
  14. Thanks Dodger that pretty much says everything. The plate on the bottom is something that George made up in SS for the controll of the lower carb linkage. You're going to have trouble locating and aligment with the lower vertical linkage on the manifold if you can weld Al? http://photos.imageevent.com/terryandlinda/miscpw/large/Carb10.jpg
  15. Jim We had the Offy and the draft is so low that we ended up with one of George Ashe's set up. You would have to weld a button and drill/tap to the side of that manifold and hoped that it would work on your application? That is one of the reasons that we got rid of ours. If any thing I would go with the Fenton set up with the tube heater in the manifold if I could find one cheap? Good luck and sorry for the confusion on my part. Terry
  16. This is for my Power Wagon but they work the same? Check out the link also, if you can't find what you need let me know and I'll take a better pix. Terry http://imageevent.com/terryandlinda/miscpw
  17. after sand blasting........I may need a little extra steel! WOW:eek: After I sand blasted I sprayed it with Foose a echer.
  18. I'll have to ask Karl about it? Thanks
  19. Floor pan made it home over the weekend. Thanks Karl A little rusty but nothing a good sanding and a little welding wouldn't take care of? Terry
  20. Typing a little to fast for the brain! This was foung onder the seat of a 1940 Dodge dump truck, not sure of WC idea but a sweet truck none of the less. Karl even had both front and rear Signal Stats pretty much still intacked?
  21. A picture of Karl's truck. Hope this works? Terry
  22. I think it maybe a 39, the great looking runner that he has I know is a 39 didn't know what year the parts truck was. Thanks Terry
  23. How common are steel stamped floor pans for the 1939-1947 trucks. I have a guy that wants to sell me one and need a value? Thanks Terry
  24. Good to be back, had some health issues but now up and running again.
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