Hello everyone, I want to update the status of my 41 Plymouth. I put in a new aluminum radiator, which fixed my heating problem. While waiting for the Rad I pulled out the H2O distribution tube (It was aluminum and in great shape, so i just cleaned it up and put it back in). I boil tested the thermostat and it open with out a problem at 160 degrees. Replaced all hoses and replenished with new coolant. Now the temperature is between 175 and 185. I removed the pertronics, installed a new 12v condenser and my old points after cleaning them. I did my best setting the timing and my 41 is running once again. It still running a little rough, but Its my first time setting the timing, so any tips with setting timing would be greatly appreciated. I took the car out today for a 35 minute drive in El Paso 90 degree weather and it did not overheat. I hope to tune it up a little better this evening once it cools off. I want to thank everyone that contributed and assisted with the issues I was having. I have learned a lot from your posts. Thanks to all of you my car is running again and almost where I want it to be. I am very happy with the outcome. Thank you very much and God bless.