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Everything posted by mchev150

  1. bumped the dizzy 90 degrees came right out. Question is there an O ring that belongs on the shaft? found pieces of what looked like it might have been a seal
  2. Thanks for the suggestions, I will try them this evening . It disengages from the oil pump and will come out about an inch but no further. It is a 230.
  3. Been awhile but finally getting back to working on the Wayfarer. Went to remove the distributor. It turns and will come out about an inch or so but can not get it completely out of the block. Any suggestions, do not want to use too much force. What am I missing? thanks Mike
  4. Bob The 52 is on a truck somewhere between Rhode Island and Virginia. I am in Blacksburg, will head north for the holiday tomorrow, and the family will be coming down after Jan 1st. Good news is the new house has 3X the garage space as the last one. Have a good holiday Mike
  5. Bob Is the Wayfarer on the road? How is the new intake and exhaust? Most important how has the T5 conversion worked out. Mike
  6. Bob sent you a pm Mike
  7. I will buy two
  8. 49 and 50. The 51/52 is different
  9. Howard, The car looks great, will you be showing at any of the Rhode Island events? Mike
  10. my wayfarer doors have a 5th screw in the hinge pocket, not sure if your desoto is the same.
  11. Want to replace the channels and beltline/wiskers seals on the doors of my wayfarer before I reinstall the glass. Are there any favored vendors for the parts or installation tricks?? thanks mike
  12. Coventry, Rhode Island
  13. Couple of weeks ago a forum member, 58prostreet, offered to give me a gas tank for my Wayfarer project. Had an oppurtunity to be in Virginia this weekend and got a chance to meet Bob. He spent a couple of hours discussing his wayfarer project and the progress he has made as well as solving my tank problem. thanks again Bob, hope to catch up with you at Carlisle. Also my son and I really enjoyed your 58. Mike
  14. thanks guys, it would never have occurred to me that this was to prevent theft
  15. working on getting the Wayfarer running and installing the pieces that came in boxes... There is an armor covered wire coming thru the fire wall that is flopping around. The manual indicates that it is supposed to originate at the ignition switch. Any insight on how/if it attaches to the switch ?? And does armor covered section of the wire supposed to be on the interior side of the firewall?? Lastly why is the wire armor covered in the first place??? Thank Mike
  16. I also found a couple of nests in the frame of the Wayfarer I recently purchased.
  17. Bill thank you for all the information Mike
  18. 58 pro street thanks for the response will be down your way next weekend, looking forward to seeing your wayfarer Any idea what the interchangability of fenders is between models in 52?
  19. A new guy could use a little help. I am going to look at a NOS rear fender for my Wayfarer. My question is are all 52 rear fenders the same. If not what is the area where they differ so I can take some measurements. thanks mike
  20. If you are going to use dishwasher soap. I suggest you use Dawn, it has the most surfactants and will better break up the oil/sealer residue . It is what we use when a well pump fails in a water well and we are trying to remove the oil that is clinging to the sides of well bore. But I would check the timing before I tried putting dishwasher soap in the cooling system
  21. There is a guy on the HAMB that has a radiator for sale, not sure if it will fit your ride. http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=259664 also has a spitfire engine and trans
  22. Yea I have the doors, They were off to get it ready to paint the jambs, I am going to finish the paint prep and shoot some color (not sure what yet). The one part I do not have is the gas tank. Does any one know if the 48 repro tank fits. Or a source for a replacement . The gentleman I bought it from was going to modify a cj7 tank by moving the fill not sure if that is the way I want to go. While I am finishing the body, I want to do some of the engine upgrades such as ad PVC and improve the oil filtration, reviewing all those posts. Mike
  23. Brought home the wayfarer yesterday. I'm sure I will have lot's of questions for you all.
  24. Went back Saturday with my friend who runs a body shop, he found the car to be in better shape than I had described. Seemed like all the stars were aligned so I bought it. Since I have not owned 50's dodge before I have lots of questions I will be asking on the forum. The plan is to finish the paint prep and shoot some color on it (not sure what yet, did not think I would need to make that decision so soon in anew project). Next I want to put it back together and baseline what I have. Will be looking for input on what projects to tackle first to improve reliability and longevity. Then look at upgrades to brakes, and the addition of some speed parts. Long term the T-5 swaps I have been reading about looks like the way to go. A couple of early issues, I will need to replace the gas tank, any suggestions on who to go to, also the winshield divider is pitted as well as the strip on the center of the hood. Are these pieces difficult to find? Again thanks for the help.
  25. Thanks, for all the comments, I'm going back on saturday, with a friend who has a critical .eye to go over it again. Tim what are the rust areas of concern? I don' want to miss anything. Also going to inventory all the parts. The wayfarer is 15 miles from my house so getting it home is no big deal. I figure I'm saving 1,500 dollars if I had to travel any distance to inspect and then transport. As a little background, I have owned a 55 chevy project for about 12 years, but with buying homes and three college educations it has always been put on the back burner. Even if I dropped everything and just worked on the chevy, it would be a good 3 years before it was on the road and I would be spending close to 5k just on sheet metal where as I could be cruising in the wayfarer this summer and work on it as I go. Thanks for all the comments and input. I will let you know how I make out Saturday. Mike
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