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Everything posted by 50PlymouthSled

  1. That's a real clean chop, Man. I really dig it. Looks clean, and sleak, and not a huge chop, so it looks nice, and smooth. I'll have to finish mine here soon! Haha.
  2. Thanks, Kiwi, but I believe that is the list in which I had to start with, But I have a 50 so they didn't have my year, cutoff in 48. Also, thank you on the Hemmings motor news, that is a very helpful artical, and gave me a lot of much needed info. appreciate it!
  3. Yeah, I guess beauty is subjective to the beholder. And buy and sell in accordance with the economy? So what's with when it bad and people still buy?
  4. You can never have too many projects.
  5. Indeed, simple is good!
  6. Greg, thanks for that link. I'm looking at the 1939 Dodge truck, I may buy it. :]
  7. That's true, Neon. But I guess it's just a side to side swing.
  8. I'm a Royal Crown and Murrays kinda guy personally. For what it's worth. Hah.
  9. There are still a lot of guys around here that are asking stupidly ridiculous money for the cars they have. which is kinda ridiculous, but hey, you can still pick and choose which you wanna buy, so maybe they'll take a hint? Maybe not. Who cares, not my money going to them. But I have noticed, if people won't spend the money, the price comes down, it's when people have a bidding war, everyone gets a wild hair and thinks they can sell their autos for ridulous money, but that seems to be a trend that is ever present anywhere, not just here. Just food for thought.
  10. I'm still in my youth, but my first car I ever had was a 71 Dodge Dart Swinger with a 440 and 4 speed. Built it myself. I had so many good times in that car, learned to drive, and race in it. Makes me think when I'm sixty, I'll probably be looking for another, so I can relive those times. Hah.
  11. Did the cars come originally with lap belts? Or belts at all for that matter? I can't seem to recall when the seatbelt law came into effect. Thanks.
  12. That's pretty nifty. :]
  13. I'm not very inclined, to be quite honest. I can't see putting a Ford in my Mopar. But hm. Interesting, If I do deicide to cave, I'll remember the Posi.
  14. Hahaha, good deal, Man. Glad to hear someone else is in my boat too!
  15. Yeah, I wouldn't mind it. I'm not sure how it would look chopped. but the bag setup was sure nice. Couldn't get any good pictures of it unfortinuely though.
  16. I found this at the show I went to. Ink 'n' Iron. Only one I saw, but still pretty slick. :]
  17. I'll stick too good ol' Rockabilly and Swing. :] Which is usually what's comin' out of my speakers regardless of where I am. But my musical tastes are very much more vast and varied. and include "Heavy Metal" nonsense most of you don't care for. Hah.
  18. So a lot of you guys like using the Ford rear ends? Hm. Had any problems with gears, or hunting down proper drivelines, etc?
  19. Hey, Tony. I still need to pick up that grill.
  20. The plastic ones?
  21. Also, nice Norm. I checked out the video.
  22. Yes, the seatbelts MUST be bolted to the floor, there is no trophy for going under thirteen minutes (that I know of) but we can make one. As for beer, if you bring it in the trunk of your car, you can probabyl get away with it, that's usually what we do when we go to the goodguys meets and other car shows. And I believe you can get to Fontana off the 15. Is on the way up to the High Desert. And overflow, is basically a can that catches any of the dump off of your radatior so that it doesn't get on the track and make it slippery. I think I hit all your questions. :]
  23. Wow, you too are close, I'm in Vista too. Didn't know there was anymore Mopar guys aside from me and my buddies. Though I did see a pretty slick 48 Plymouth in Temecula last Sunday. :] Just tossing that out there.
  24. Thanks, Man. I appreciate it. Will be nice to do on mine.
  25. If you guys need info on things in Fontana, I have a friend that lives there, and I was there for the Mopar shootout. :] And Norm, if you DO run faster then a 13.99 you can do it once. Just tell them you have no idea what it will do. ;] And you'll be okay. Anyway, let me know guys if you do.
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