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Conn47D24 last won the day on July 8 2023

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  • Gender
  • Location
    East Haven Connecticut
  • My Project Cars
    1947 D24 Club Coupe

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  • Biography
    30 Plus! Years of getting back on the road.
  • Occupation
    Realtor 24/7 !


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  1. 1947 D24 Dodge As I recall looking at my HR here the: Top right - solenoid Top Left ( angled )- to horns Bottom Right - to Horn Button up steering column Botto Left- Ignition hope this helps
  2. Original housing, Raw 3D printed, and finished paint to match my steering column etc.
  3. Original Housing with cracks and old paint. 3D printed copy raw, and painted to match my steering column, etc.
  4. I just uploaded the 3D scan file to this site. Template section in Downloads 😀
  5. Turn Signal Housing 3 D Scan File View File Bring to a 3 D printer and then paint to match you car. Clay Submitter Conn47D24 Submitted 02/24/2025 Category Instructions, Manuals & Templates  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Bring to a 3 D printer and then paint to match you car. Clay
  7. It should still be in the download section here. would have been 2020
  8. I had a 3D printer scan done of my plastic signal housing and uploaded the file here for everyone to use. Bring it to a 3D printer near you. Then paint in the correct color.
  9. hello,

    I had a 3D printer scan done of my plastic signal housing and uploaded the file here for everyone to use.


    Bring it to a 3D printer near you.  Then paint in the correct color. Good luck!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Conn47D24


      My orginal with bad paint and crakes


    3. Conn47D24


      I just uploaded the 3D scan file to this site. Template section in Downloads

    4. Bingster


      Thanks. That's really extraordinary.

  10. As I recall the headline " BOWS " are numbered and need to be installed in order.
  11. My Speedo stopped working on a drive the other day. Disconnected it from the trans, and sure enough it was broken off within inches of transmission connection. The speedo shaft has to be fed in from inside the car, under the dash. Had a replacement, use some graphite and fed it through. Turned out easier to do than I had feared. That's always nice for a change LOL.
  12. Above the speedometer there is a chrome bezel with left and right turn signal indicator lights in the center of that is the high beam light
  13. My D24 dash was rewired - built from from re-wood grained metal to install. I did not bench test it however I painstakingly followed the old tagged harness and the wiring schematic. some continuity tests for good connections that's all. All came out fine. Take your time and make sure of good contact and grounds.
  14. Top photo the upper rose look like my Dodge 46 to 48 window and handle crank eschusions
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