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Everything posted by richards47deluxe

  1. Young Ed you are correct!!! they are broken. Now I need to think this out. All suggestions will help.
  2. Thanks Tom. Stock sales just went up on gasket materials!! by low sell high......
  3. Thanks Tod. I guess it would have helped to mention it is for a 1947 218. But I am going to try those anyway.
  4. does anybody know the size of the bolts that go up through the exhaust manifold and to the intake for a 218? I have 2 missing but i don't even want to try to remove for fear of breaking them. thanks.
  5. I think what i did was tighten the middle bolt first then the 2 end ones. re-did the installation now there is a very small leak from one of the backing plate bolts. going to drain some water, back out that bolt. apply some silicone and hopefully that will stop it. At least now I can remove the radiator and water pump blindfolded now.
  6. I did JD. He was going on vacation. I gave him my number and he was going to call when he got back. Thanks for the lead.
  7. Thanks Bob. the picture shows where it was at when I bought it in the hills. Motor being rebuilt. So in the meantime, working on the sedan.
  8. thanks JD. will try that.
  9. Good thought on the bypass hole. with the cap off, there should be no pressure but i did notice a steady stream of water. gonna pull tomorrow morning and compare. wondering if i can get another gasket local.
  10. so i changed the water pump out today. put everything back together and it started leaking at top where pump meets the block. Any ideas?? cleaned all surfaces, glued gasket to water pump, applies a thin film of silicone between pump and block, put silicone on bolts and still leaks. used air to blow off water and it is definitely between block and water pump. so what's the scoop??
  11. Fred, check out my '47 coupe at my website: www.fatfenders.net just started it and will be posting more pics later.
  12. The skirts are made out of metal and sit on the fender. I bought them from a guy in Fremont who had a '47 Plymouth Coupe with an expensive paint job. They attach very nicely with a draw bar at the top with each end having slots for mounting hardware, which I have to make. I have thought of trying the fiberglass ones Tim mentioned and if I find a good deal on a pair, I might. Cpt. Fred, I agree with you on the patina. You should see my '47 coupe, same paint condition but a little more coverage. Thanks All.
  13. got the same one for sale. let me know if interested. will trade for parts.
  14. Here are a couple of pictures of my '47 4 door Sedan with and without. what do you think. with, or without.
  15. I can only say, using the long wrenches makes a heck of a difference!!
  16. just did the adjusting the tappets while the engine running process. first i got a piece of water hose to find which bank had the noisy tappet. removed the cover. used the hose to find the noisy one. found it and did the adjustment. purrs like a kitten. sure glad i bought the extra long tappet wrenches on ebay. they work great!!! Pacifico time.....
  17. Don, good find. those plate are cool. one of the better state plates.
  18. Lighter in pic. They are perfect. This was not Mojo's first BBQ.
  19. Hey Mackster, I'm down for that. Put 2" lowering blocks on my 4 door sedan, bought a pair of on top of the fender skirts that will make it look even lower. Maybe this weekend will swap out the front springs with some I bought on this forum (gotta love this forum)!!! Will take pics when installed. Re-wired everything, soooooo easy. Horn now works like it should, thank everybody for your help. Dash is fully functional as original. Don't shine on the outside but I LIKE IT!!!
  20. They charged me $140 which included return shipping. They were rusted, a little bent and had a few extra holes. They look even better in person. Strongly recommend them.
  21. Bought a pair of plates for $60.00. Sent them to Mojo and I think they did a heck of a job!!! Thanks Billy.
  22. Orale cruiser!!! My 47 is gonna go that route!! ESSJ!!!
  23. Here is one for the memory bank. After checking all ideas suggested, it turned out to be a bent horn ring. The one that came with the car had the top half of the ring gone. I bought a nice one along with the horn cap on EBay for 30.00 bucks. Compared it with the original and saw it had a bend in it, preventing it to push down on the horn cup. Put on the one i bought and it works like it should. Thanks everyone for your help!!!
  24. Thanks guys!!! will try suggeations in the a.m. Thanks for the illustrations!!! have a great Sunday and Go SF Giants !!
  25. Thanks, will try tomorrow. thanks
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