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I figured if doesn't work I'd replace the innards... Haven't powered it up yet, though ever so often I touch something and the clocks works on its own so I guess that's a good sign... Not sure what the two pieces are though I see two spots where they might go. Will post later since getting a decent photo means getting my canon out instead of taking a pic with the phone.
Thanks, that helped a lot... got it apart, much cleaner than expected inside. 2 small bits that fell out though, not sure where they came from... or even if from the clock, make something that fell in somehow... I'll show a photo... got the clock sitting in a coffee mug so the hands don't get damaged. The small bits I placed on the white part at the front, 2 small dark metal semi-circles. Are there oil points for the clock at all? Seems a bit stiff when adjusting the time... also, the front plastic lens... is there a good way to clean that? I was kind of playing with the idea of using a cloth and toothpaste, or the car polish with the light abrasive in it for buffing scratches. Seen a few people use that to polish the plastic headlights on newer cars, figured might work on this but, being 67yrs old, I don't want to try without asking first in case a better method.
Figured it out... the small hole in the centre, does absolutely nothing. Just a small hole. Basically, grabbed/held the dial with my left hand to keep from spinning, and used a slot head for the centre, which wasn't a screw but rather a threaded cap. That's where I left off... there was a small rattle inside and I got out two small metal half loops with misshaped balls at the ends... hopefully when I get the rest dismantled tonight I'll figure out what they are and where from... almost thinking broken wires, but, the perfect semi-circle shape throws me off.
Pulled out the radio and glove box yesterday to give a cleaning and test... clock I didn't test yet, can hear something rattling inside, small but still a rattle. Is there a trick to removing the front lens? Well, more so removing the small dial for setting the time? Looks like a slot head, with a small pin hole in the end. I'd like to get it open, cleaned, find the rattle and maybe oil it a little before powering it up for testing, in case something is seized and turning it on ruins it.
Well, may have found them... got them soaking in some vinegar right now to remove some rust but look to be the right size.
Ha ha... it's kinda ironic actually, the avatar is a cartoon character called Mentok the Mindtaker... and it seems that he is indeed taking minds, or at least attention.
I'll let you know once I have the car sorted out... told myself if I can't get it started then I'm selling it... if it runs I'll keep going with 'the plan' in which case the hub caps won't be needed.
So... been chasing a unicorn. Well, upside is I don't have to buy anything... might have found the bolts as well, currently sitting in some vinegar. Few "mystery" parts though.... may have to post a photo since not even 100% certain if even for the car. If I get that Dodge to start, I may have to post some stuff for sale... won't be using some stuff like the AM radio and 7 hub caps. Few old beatup old pistons, one in half, and a few valves, plus an old gasket, so hoping that means the previous owner rebuilt the engine.
Hmm, maybe thats all I need... Looking in the shop manual, here's a screen grab... was looking at #4, 5 and 11... I have a D24 though, maybe that's the difference? Also, I know a '47 Dodge Truck, but has the extra parts bolted to it, so figured this is similar to what I was needing. http://www.lunaindustriesinc.com/tucson-starter-motors-rebuild.htm
This isn't mine, but its the same as what I have http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/vgMAAMXQBg5Rt-kM/$(KGrHqZ,!nwFG1PiWj9YBRt-kMNSj!~~60_35.JPG
So, been cleaning things up, trying to sort out the plethora of parts in bins from when I bought the '47 Dodge... Few pistons, old head gasket, 7 hub caps... But not finding the parts for the starter. Starter was out when I got the car, and looks almost like new... But looking in the shop manual it looks to be missing some hardware. But, old scanned image so hard to see clearly. Anyone happen to have a photo of the starter with hardware? Or better still a link where its for sale since I think its just not here. :S
Well, sadly our yard is the parent's yard... I went back to school to finish my education, and when I came out I was more broke than I was going in and no one was hiring. So, had to temporarily move back home... we have a yard, but not mine to do with as I please, plus when it comes to car space, I'm more referring to driveway area. and near the house/hut where the tools are. Otherwise, having cars in the back acre come spring would just slowly sink in the mud. It's also why the budget is very tight.
We have about 3 acres... 2 is just open grass... no idea why we have it, just sits there and gets mowed every 2 weeks. Had I the money I'd have 2 acres of cars... be worth it simply for the annoyance of the neighbour.
Ya... the neighbour here was such a pain, still is... threatened to have the cops come after me when I had the car on stands because he said his grand kids might come to the yard, get into the tent and have the car fall on them. Started taking photos and everything. Finally, I called the police, had one come over and said this is the problem, can he actually do anything. I'm 6'3" and 380lbs so a big fella, and I took a 6' run at the car to show how stable it was. Cop said the guy can't do anything, no codes were being violated or anything, car was safely lifted, etc... In fact, the officer said that if he has small children (grand kids) that visit and he has a legit concern that they'll wander into other people yards and into garages and such, he's basically admitting to child negligence because he's admitting that he's not watching them close enough. Especially since there is a creek in the back, he has a pool, and the cars in the front are still slowing down from 80kph to 50kph coming into town... so, more likely the kids will drown or get hit than have a car fall on them. Cop even knew who the guy was because apparently a bit of a pain to the police as well with his reports and complaints.
Ya, other neighbours are fine here, just that one guy who ruins it for everyone.
Part of my budget went towards getting a good tent/cover actually... same as this one different colour. 12x24x10 I think. Even though I'm in a village of like under 1000 people, I have a neighbour that has two kids that are lawyers, and he basically threatens everyone with that fact... basically if he doesn't like your yard, or what you do in it type deal. Guy on the other side use to smoke meat in a small hut in the back acre of his yard before this guy moved in... soon as he moved in he complained about the smell (who hates the smell of smoked jerky?!) and had the guy shut down. He even tried having the horse farm just outside the village closed because disliked the smell of horses. Just one of those guys who thinks he a big deal and wants people to know it. Anyways... got tired of the noise, he absolutely HATED this car so got the tent for it. Then he started to complain our driveway was gravel not paved so told him to go F himself and he's kept his distance since then. BIG car though, filled up the space fast. We have a small garage/hut... once I get wheels that work (mine are dead flat) I plan to move the tent to the side of the hut, and get some used 2'x2'x2" tiles to make a sorta flooring.
Wish I had the room... Saw a pt cruiser today for $400 and thought, hmm seats, power windows, etc... Great for cheap parts...But ya, get it running first I guess.
I did start getting a few parts... Autolite plugs sitting here, an oil filter as well. Engine I think is in good shape, no idea... previous owner may have done some work on it because in a box I found an old piston and a used engine gasket. Starter was off, same as the drive shaft, both of which I have. I actually bought it from the previous owner's brother, who inherited the car and was selling off the estate type deal so, no way of knowing. In the fall I doused pretty much every nut/bolt under the hood 2-3x with penetrating oil so, hoping after a good power wash this weekend I can easily get some stuff out and replace a few things. Carb seems to stick so may have to figure that one out first... doused it with carb cleaner but that flap inside keeps sticking and have to use my finger to get it lose again. :S Be watching a lot of YouTube videos this weekend I guess. I still kick myself for the seats... they were so rusted and full of squirrel poop that I ditched them not realizing they could have been saved. That's gonna be a hard replacement item in these parts.
Ya, the body on this is actually pretty good... I bought it from a guy who had it in a barn for 25yrs... only real issues were the drivers floor, a small bit around the floor/centre post between doors, and about 1.5 garbage bags worth of walnut shells and squirrel poop. Engine is there, seems intact and can rotate the wheel by hand. I have the starter sitting here next to me, looks almost new, but, looking at it and the service manual I'm thinking it's missing something... bolts for certain, a bracket maybe? I think this weekend I'll clean it out, hose out under the hood and get it clean, and lay out all the parts from the boxes and figure it out... I don't have the tools/skill to swap engines so hopefully can get it running. I'd rather a bit more power/modern an engine, I'm not looking to do a full restore, but, if I can get it to drive, I'll be happy.
Ha, my thinking exactly... if I move/downgrade my space... I definitely can't keep the Dodge unless driving it. Motorbike, may smell but can dismantle it and keep it in the kitchen... I wouldn't but, still an option. I think my main problem is, not only is it a big project... but... its in a car tent on a gravel driveway, in an area that has a lot of snow in the winter (as opposed to say, Texas). Plus not a lot of tools. I think half my car budget last year went towards my '02 Impala, and the other half went towards tools. Well, not in a rush... finally decent weather around here... if you count 8 degrees as good weather. Maybe set a goal... if I can get the engine to fire by mid June I keep going, if not, well... anyone need any trim? a radio? starter?
Ya... that's my thinking... I'm a big guy, I could carry the engine from a bike,,, car, not so much. Love the Dodge, had great plans for it, but... just never seems to happen. :S
Ya, this would be lower end of the scale, especially given the lack of seats... driver floor pan needs replaced which I've found new online for $60. Has rims but tires beyond flat. Was about to buy tires for it so I can push it around and the resonator broke out of my driver car so, wheel budget went to the other car again... I think my driver car is jealous and does it on purpose. It's a 4-Door sedan... I know many people hate the 4-door, but, personally I'm a fan on cars that big, especially with suicide doors. This is the car, few years ago, has been in a car tent ever since which is why I can't take a pic easily right now. Hood splits in the middle (2-piece) not the solid 1-piece. Ideally I want to sell it, get something smaller/easier to work on, something where parts are easier to find and cheaper etc... like a motorbike from the '70s. I have little space and not much in the ways of big tools (ie engine hoists) so a bike seems a good solution... especially when I learn to drive one. I just want to tinker...
Well, sad day... decided it's time to sell the '47 Dodge Sedan... bought it almost 10yrs ago, and just never got anything done. Every time I went to work on it, my main car needed work done and ate the money/time. So, just curious... car is from what I know... complete minus the seats and maybe 2 pieces of trim. It's an American model (not Canadian). Original engine but no idea if it starts since some parts were removed (in a box) before I bought it. Anyone know what it may be worth? Better to sell as parts? or complete? I REALLY want to avoid the scrap yard at all costs.
Excellent, thanks... Snow here is finally melting, need to start gathering some supplies. I bought a shop manual, but can't seem to find sizes just locations. Though, from what I'm reading I may be missing a few parts...