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Mike Petersen

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Everything posted by Mike Petersen

  1. Friend told me about a 52 dodge in the local pick a part junk yard. So after work picked up my son a tool bag to go check it out. ends up a truck but eng. all there minus carb. needing a balancer we took it. it has desent body all there interior hammered. eng turns over looks ok. Looks like it has been rebuilt red block blue head. went in yard last week. Sante Fe Springs Ca. My question is weather the balancer will work on my 47 D24 looks the same minus the few holes on the backside of the original one. I guess the holes are there for balancing. Any thoughts on this. 15 bucks was worth it.
  2. Can you give me any model # for the trans. I know its a three speed behind the fluid drive unit . Just want to rebuild it and reseal while its on the bench. Thanks Mike
  3. It's been bored 30 over ? My son received this car from his grand parents. Both are are gone now. My dad purchased new after he graduated from college at Wash. St. Eng. fired and ran on an iv after sitting 35 years in a So. Cal. garage. My son is in college now and we are doing lots of work on the car. Pulled drive line for overhaul. Doing the wire harness this weekend while Eng. is out. Repainted Eng. compartment yesterday. Dash removed Wed. after work. Have all history on this car noted in dads spiral notebook. What a weird feeling wrenching on a car that I handed tools to my dad helping him fix when I was a 5 year old. Now I am teaching my son on the car. My son was asking the question.
  4. Thanks
  5. What was the original size eng. In a 1947 d24 dodge ?
  6. That was my first guess but thought that was a peculiar way to route the wire. Thanks for the answer.
  7. What is the wire exiting the bottom of my 47 D24 steering gear box for ? Just pulled drive line for complete overhaul. Will be rewired while drive line is out.
  8. Looking for a shop to machine my engine in No. Orange Co. Any referrals out there ? 47 Dodge
  9. Thanks for the reply. Off to car swap meet in Irwindale.
  10. Last year my Dad passed and I was given the chore of prepping his house for sale. He was the proud original owner of a 47 D24 64k miles on chassis. Mom gave the car to my son 10 years ago. The car has been in the garage since 72. brought her home. Did tune up, rebuilt carb, hooked up an iv to carb and it fired rite up. blew out alot of rust the old pipes. Amazing the old Dodge is alive. Son pulled fuel tank and radiator to have repaired this week. I spent my whole childhood in this car church, little league, vacations,etc. Dad was a lifer at Rockwell Int. Found a spiral note book in the glove box with everything he had done to it from oil changes, re gaping plugs, you name it. I have been on your site many times in the past. Any help on these #s would be great. eng. #D24-L75034 BODY # 45004021
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