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Everything posted by AlDeBear

  1. Uncle-Pekka, That is funny! And true. Thanks for the chuckle.
  2. I understand Antique Auto Supply in Arlington,TX has been sold from this; http://www.fordbarn.com/forum/showthread.php?t=154935&highlight=Antique+Auto+Supply Heard many good comments about the business.
  3. 48dodger, What a handsome dog! I'm happy you had him to make you feel so good for so long! Larry
  4. I did reply Don. IAfter, while reading this thread, the format of the message is so like that several others have posted that I began wondering about it. I didn't know guests could access members email addresses? OR members for that matter, unless the email has been posted in a thread previously? I looked at my own 'profile' here and did not find my own email address or that of the few member profiles I looked at out of curiosity. I was under the impression members email privacy & security is, in part, the purpose of the p15-d24 messaging system? Did I overlook something?? Thanks, Larry
  5. I think we have a new/new named scammer guys. The email didn't come as a 'notification' from p15-d24 but directly to my email address. Is that necessarily a clue that the messenger is a scammer? *************************************************************************************** David Wilson Tome Today at 9:01 AM -- Please let me know if you are still interested in purchasing a Master Cylinder Cover 1948 P15. Email and I'll get back to you. Cheers David W Green Loretto Tennessee 38469 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  6. Ed, You already know your new Dodge was worth what you paid or you wouldn't own it now. It is a great looking car! Comparing what you paid to what I paid for mine you made out GOOD! (I paid $6500 for the one in my avatar and although I am satisfied, it has, in many ways, turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing! lol) I like the looks of your Dodge better than my Plymouth. May you drive it in health & happiness for many years! Larry
  7. Way to go perrymedik! Sounds good!
  8. Uncle Max-Stromberg Authorized Parts & Service; http://www.97-express.com
  9. fordkustom, Good looking engine! What camera did you use to take the pictures? They are excellent.
  10. A belated (I just today discovered this feature of the forum!) public "Thank You" to owencooke for his kindness in recently providing me with 2 brake shoe anchor bolts for our 1948 Plymouth Special Deluxe! Thank You Owen. Larry Cope.
  11. A belated (I just today discovered this feature of the forum!) public "Thank You" to Niel Hoback for his kindness in providing me with a brake shoe anchor bolt for our 1948 Plymouth Special Deluxe! Thank You Niel. Larry Cope
  12. Lloyd, Not to hijack this thread but you might consider ptwothree's method of adjusting your brakes found here http://p15-d24.com/topic/34051-adjusting-your-brakes-the-easy-way/. His method isn't based so much on measuring as on the 'feeling' of the shoes against the drums. If you should decide to go that route be sure to put a die on the brake shoe anchor bolts BEFORE welding the nut onto the end of the bolt. Good luck Lloyd! Larry
  13. Lot's of confusing information on this. I get the impression from this vendor link http://www.vapinc.com/mopar/Steering%20Parts/main.html that there are only two tie rod ends, inner & outer, for '39 to '56 Plymouths & Dodges. You might think otherwise after reading this post on p15-d24.com however. http://p15-d24.com/topic/36535-1949-plymouth-tie-rods/ This link may help you find what you need as well. http://shop.rareparts.com/smtp/shopdisplaycategories.asp?iyear=1947&imake=0016|DODGE&imodel=0365|CUSTOM&iproduct=0049|STEERING,%20GEAR,%20PUMP%20&%20COMPONENTS Prices are CRAZY from $20 to over $100. Good luck Larry
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