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  • My Project Cars
    1964 Dodge Dart stationwagon<br />1936 Dodge Coupe


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    Cars, gardening, home projects

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  1. Adapter. But the tranny was a powerflight. I think the bolt pattern is the same though. I'll check
  2. I have an AL one from a 56 Plymouth.
  3. Plenty of wooden bridges still in use carrying the load of semis and trains. What could destroy that set up quick is sudden stops (or starts). I'm sure the driver knew that though.
  4. What does the dealer say about this?
  5. I have a local auto electric shop rebuild stuff like that anymore. They do great work and you get what you pay for.
  6. Please do
  7. I'm a "It's your car do what you want with it" type of person, but it would be almost criminal to hack that beauty up. Hop up a 230 and drop it in but please don't hack away at that thing
  8. Yeah, those look like the frame mounts I have. Should work with the one I have that bolts to the engine. I have a bellhousing for a 1953 218 but I was going to keep it for a project. Why don't you PM me?
  9. Probably a dumb question but that's soda blasting right?
  10. I have one out of a 53 Plymouth that I'm pretty sure works fine. I just shipped a front axle for $30some odd bucks FedEx so shipping may be fairly cheap.
  11. Look like holes for a slide hammer
  12. My 36 dodge is almost exactly like (if not exactly like) the picture Robert Horne posted. I think a 35 Plymouth would be identical to that. The crossmember you're talking about is not where the engine mounts I am almost certain. Since someone was going to hot rod it, they probably took the frame mounts off.
  13. I have the front plate and the two frame mounts. I'm almost 100% sure it will work for you.
  14. The 36 motor mount looks just like the 37 in Robert's picture (as does the truck one if I'm not mistaken). On the 36 it mounts to mounts off of the frame which I also have. I'd sell all three for $40 plus shipping and I think flat rate would work.
  15. I've got one for a 36 Dodge I'll sell if it works for you.
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