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49 Dodge Dude

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    Classic car lover for over 25 years.
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  • Location
    Peoples Republic of Illinois
  • Interests
    Classic cars, Computers, Amateur Radio

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  1. When I was a kid my Dad had a 1967 Chevy Bel-Air station wagon. One night after coming home late from a friend's house, I was about to cross a bridge over the Mississippi river and decided to see just how fast I could go. I floored the car at the beginning of the span and by the time I got to the other end I was doing over 125mph. Never, ever did I do that again, and I sure as hell never told my Dad about it.
  2. Running pretty good, although it still burns oil though
  3. Am I to understand, then, that I don't need to add a lead substitute to my gas for my '49 Dodge?
  4. Sweet! Good luck on your project, and keep us posted as to your progress!
  5. I've found that NAPA has a lot of stuff for my '49, and the guys there seem fairly knowledgable. I've had my worst experiences at places like Advance Auto and Autozone. Good for newer cars, but not worth a crap for the older ones.
  6. Nice set of wheels! Welcome to the forum!!
  7. I'm about 60 miles south of Dubuque. Very cool! I wonder if any of those guys are still around?
  8. LOL! I like a man who doesn't pussyfoot around. Looks like he's gained a few detractors, though.
  9. Thanks for the suggestions. I took the carb back off and found one of the plungers was sticking, so I loosened it up and put it back on. It now runs great and works the way it's supposed to. I'm posting a before/after pic. Someone in the past had spray painted the carb silver, and over time the paint crinkled and flaked off. I got it nice and cleaned up and I think it looks a lot better! Thanks for all the help!!
  10. Well, I got my rebuild kit in and rebuilt my Stromberg carb. Put it back on and fired her up. No leaks, and idle is nice and smooth. Unfortunately, when I press on the accelerator and release, the rpm's stay high and don't return to normal idle speed. I've checked the linkage - it's not kinked anywhere and it returns like it's supposed to. Any ideas what may be causing this?
  11. Thanks! I'm gonna go ahead and order one anyway and hope I'm right
  12. Sorry - I should have mentioned the numbers they listed for this kit: Carburetor Type: S-1, 3-103B, 3-112, 3-113, 3-82, 3-83, 3-93, 3-93A, 3-93B, 3-93C, 3-93D, 3-95, 3-97A, 3-97B, 3-97C
  13. Hey guys - I'm looking to buy a rebuild kit for my Stromberg carb (BXVES-3) and I found this one at NAPA. It lists it as the proper one for my car (49 Dodge Coronet) but doesn't show the BXV number anywhere. Is this the right kit for my carb??
  14. Very cool idea on the thermostat housing. I'd be interested, but my car is a '49 Dodge Coronet with the flathead 6, and I wouldn't want to create any cooling issues by using one. Sweet though!
  15. God bless you, Sir, and may your recovery dazzle and astound your Doctors!
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