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  1. ggdad1951's post in Rear view mirror brackets was marked as the answer   
    Yah its luck of the draw on epay.  I know Roberts was looking at one time to repop, but I don't think he did.
  2. ggdad1951's post in Glass color was marked as the answer   
  3. ggdad1951's post in Mopar Deluxe Model 36 Heater Ducting Routing was marked as the answer   
    Routing the ducting is just point to point under the dash as "tight" as you can.  My heater distro box has the two vent lines runing straight up so it is a direct line almost to the pass side and then up on over to the diver side.  I can get pics later if you still want to see.
  4. ggdad1951's post in Vent Window Swivel Post Replacement was marked as the answer   
    Should be a semitubular sytle rivets holding that in place so it doesn't shift around and wear parts over time.  If you can tell me the dia and clinch thickness, I can see if my stash has any and I can send them to you via USPS.
  5. ggdad1951's post in Finding Parts from Original MOPAR Numbers. was marked as the answer   
    correct, these are run at atmospheric pressure.
  6. ggdad1951's post in Clip Mounting was marked as the answer   
    I used bed mounting pads from Horkey's
  7. ggdad1951's post in Radiator differences was marked as the answer   
    my 51 has the smaller size, as does the '52 rad I have as a future replacement if things go south on my original
  8. ggdad1951's post in Headlight Info And Help Needed was marked as the answer   
    there is a Bosch 12V headlight that is halogen if I remember right you can buy that will drop right in.  I have the PN at home.  I bought a pair to convert over my bullseye headlights someday.
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