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  • My Project Cars


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    Dublin Ireland
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  1. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1946-1947-1948-Plymouth-P15-NOS-MoPar-GLOVE-BOX-LINER-/360356043812?pt=Vintage_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Make%3APlymouth%7CModel%3AP15+Special+Deluxe&hash=item53e6e4dc24 If you don't want to buy one, this should give you an idea of how simple they would be to fabricate http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1936-38-39-40-41-46-47-48-Plymouth-Glovebox-Decal-Set-/370464351464?pt=Vintage_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Make%3APlymouth%7CModel%3AP15+Special+Deluxe&hash=item56416564e8
  2. A lot of bright Sparks around here
  3. I woke up in a hotel in puerto rico and my car is back in Dublin its a week since i was behind the wheel so i played this for fun....i miss the old girl:)
  4. Finally mirrors that look like they work, and look good. i have used convex stick ons with peep mirrors before, they do help, especially for us guys driving on the wrong side of the road for these cars lol i just had a respray, and i just cant bring myself to put back on those peeps, So thanks Robin, i will order a set tonight oh and i love your car, its a beauty .
  5. Well if I dont drive in the rain I dont get to work
  6. Found this on the Hamb, First thing tomorrow i am buying a fire extinguisher for my car:(
  7. 3 inch blocks on mine, rides just fine:)
  8. a little older than a p15 but i enjoyed this, i hope its not a repost http://www.break.com/video-user-yt/12-22-2009/1937-plymouth-sailing-along-1571513
  9. p15, Lambretta series 1, and my BMW r60. sadly the BM has to go, help fund my p15 ovehaul that has spiraled out of control:(
  10. thanks for the reply's folks, looks like its a Cherokee axle for me, its the one i can pick up over here and they seem to do the job ...cheers
  11. i have tried the search button and came up with a good few answers all leading me in this general direction, but to be sure i thought id ask you good folk:) so i have a 46 p15 coupe, i need to replace the rear axle now the jeep cherokee seems to be a good candidate as of this time i want to stick with drums on the rear so an early might be the answer what i would like to know is? what sort of work is involved will my drive shaft need modification? can i use my 16inch wheels? presumably my leaf perches will need moving? i would be grateful for any help you guys come up with:)
  12. Santy brought me fender skirts HURRAH!!!
  13. A very Merry Christmas to everyone on this great site woops gotta go.....think i hear bells outside
  14. And a fine job it is too, its a fantastic looking woody. I get great enjoyment reading about the ups and downs of good old plywood. Keep up the good work Charlie, i hope you get to the root of the problem.
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