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  1. Dodgeb4ya's post in Timing Cover Oil Seal was marked as the answer   
    The extended lip faces the crank gear.
    If there is a spring in the seal that spring and open part of seal should always face the oil side of crankcase/ crank gear.
    Make sure the timing cover is not damaged/bent from other seal install or removals in the past. Properly support the T-cover when installing the new seal.
    Lube the seal lip and apply a small amount of sealer on the OD of seal before installing seal.
    Use the proper diameter driver to install slowly and carefully.
  2. Dodgeb4ya's post in Turn signal question was marked as the answer   
    You need more lighting load...connect the four t/s lights.
  3. Dodgeb4ya's post in 1947 transmission? was marked as the answer   
    A DeSoto M-6 trans ...late 1950 to 1953
  4. Dodgeb4ya's post in Valve guide clearance for sodium cooled valves was marked as the answer   
    MoPar flathead .433" sodium exhaust valve to guide clearance's are spec'd at .003"-.005".
    On a Chrysler marine engine like the Royal or Majestic they run  under heavy load... I'd be at the higher end of spec.
  5. Dodgeb4ya's post in Fluid drive leak was marked as the answer   
    Leave one FD nut on one stud loose...
    Use a foot or longer steel flat pry bar.
    Wedge the FD rearward...wedging between the bell housing opening and the FD front face. It should/will pop loose. The nut is used to stop it from falling off the crank and killing you.
    You do not remove the FD clutch driven plate just to remove the FD coupling...not necessary.
  6. Dodgeb4ya's post in 1948 Chrysler Differential Thrust Block was marked as the answer   
    On that spacer block...the  wider portions of the oval face each end of the axle shafts that go through the axle shaft gears.
    Reason being so it leaves room to shim the axles in/out for end play adjustments.
  7. Dodgeb4ya's post in Part Identification Help was marked as the answer   
    Choke stove heat pipe...fits down into the intake manifold cross over passage.
    Provides hot air to unwind choke thermostatic coil...letting choke plate open.
  8. Dodgeb4ya's post in Hood pop up spring question was marked as the answer   
    1946-48 C39 Chryslers don't have a hood that just pops up using a spring.
    The hood latch uses a cam that forces the hood up about a 1/2" when the jood and latch is adjusted correctly.
    The hood cannot fit too tight into the fenders either or it will require a lot of efgort to pull the hood release handle which can end badly...broken hood cable! Not a simple fix at all.

  9. Dodgeb4ya's post in Towing M5 with dolly was marked as the answer   
    Don't forget when towing anytime the driveline is turning it is turning the transmission output shaft.
    That in turn is turning the transmission oil pump in the M-5 transmission which with the ignition turned off allows oil pressure to build up.
    Causing the direct speed blocker ring and sleeve to attempt to do a direct speed upshift.
    Though because the trans is left in nuetral no shifting happens.
    I still would pull the drive shaft on a long high speed tow.
  10. Dodgeb4ya's post in Rear-end ratio was marked as the answer   
    It's a 3.54 ratio for the std. 131" WB C49 Imperial 4 dr. ...same as a 1950  NewYorker and Saratoga with the Prest-O-Matic transmission and FD.
    The Crown Imperial...too rare to discuss.
  11. Dodgeb4ya's post in Various rear differentials was marked as the answer   
    The 11 bolt is all you get in your 1/2 tonner.
    8-1/4 ring& pinion...same as the six cylinder Plymouth, Dodge ,DeSoto and Chrysler std. wheel base cars.
  12. Dodgeb4ya's post in "One of these things is not like the others..." was marked as the answer   
    It will most likely hit the steering linkage.
  13. Dodgeb4ya's post in New Yorker 47 Fuel pump was marked as the answer   
    It's a AC 590 pump.
    "Then and Now" has a video on your 590 pump on how they rebuild it.
  14. Dodgeb4ya's post in Question where to fill the fluid coupling do I have to look for a hole in the actual torque converter or can I just poured in the space where it says fill here was marked as the answer   
    Better not just pour any type fluid in that big hole. Get a mop if you do.
  15. Dodgeb4ya's post in Very low oil pressure after complete rebuild was marked as the answer   
    Possibly the oil pu float limit tangs are bent letting  the float rise too high....
    To Test.....add an extra quart or too of oil.
    Imediately normal 40+ lbs of oil pressure should show.
  16. Dodgeb4ya's post in Radiator removal quick question was marked as the answer   
    I have removed lots of those C39 huge odd shaped "8" cylinder radiators.
    Yes you got the hidden lower bolts out...do the rest up the sides of the radiator yoke plus remove the two lower hood supports bolts-fold back out of the way. Support the hood with some other type of rod.
    You also need to remove the factory fan shroud and fan.
    Use a sheet of card board to protect the core from water pump hub contact damage.
    These radiators are heavy.
    I remove/install them using my engine hoist.

  17. Dodgeb4ya's post in Numbers on 3 speed transmission was marked as the answer   
    November 13th, 1953
    K= strut type syncro rings..
    OD= Overdrive Transmission
  18. Dodgeb4ya's post in Powerflite transmission gaskets was marked as the answer   
    Felpro #3011 gasket sheet .015" thk. is what you want...
  19. Dodgeb4ya's post in Radio Delete Plate Application: Is this from a '51-'52 Dodge? was marked as the answer   
    51-52 Dodge....

  20. Dodgeb4ya's post in 1940 Dodge pinion oil seal was marked as the answer   
    Won't fit being .050" oversize.
    .005" yes...a snug fit at that.
    Jeez you would think AB could sell a correct fitting pinion seal that fits a factory installed rear end.
    What model of car is the seal for?
    Did your give them the correct model of car and that the rear axle  is as far as you know the original?
    Did you remove the old seal..look for the part# on it and search for a replacement seal with that #?
    A lot of steps to getting the correct seals it seems.
  21. Dodgeb4ya's post in Clutch Flex Plate (Spring Plate) Mount to Bellhousing - Mysterious Gap was marked as the answer   
    It's not a spacer that goes there...
    It's actually another 3/16" thick mounting bracket for the shifter linkage bell crank /pivot.
    You probably still have this piece/assembly all still together? In a box, bag etc?

  22. Dodgeb4ya's post in Excessive Clutch Travel Mystery almost solved... was marked as the answer   
    I believe it's improper linkage assembly or parts.
  23. Dodgeb4ya's post in DPCD Piston size? was marked as the answer   
    That 954808 # was superseded in 1954 to #1241625.....
    Which is 1942-1952 Ply/Dodge .030 OS.
  24. Dodgeb4ya's post in Identify carburetor brand and model was marked as the answer   
    Only the 1946 TO early 47 Chrysler NewYorker eights  used the Stromberg  2BBL carburetor directly mounted to the 2BBL intake manifold.
    Your late 1947  Carter 1 BBL carburetor is mounted on the factory installed two to one BBL adapter bolted to the correct 2 BBL intake manifold.
    This was a late 1947 Chrysler eight cylinder engineering change .....eliminating the 2BBL Stromberg going to the 1 BBL Carter carburetor.
    In 1949 Chrysler re-designed the "8" cylinder  intake to a 1 BBL eliminating the two to one  carb adapter.
    The Carter 1BBL now bolted directly to the 1 BBL intake.
    There is your Chrysler "8" lesson for the week!?
  25. Dodgeb4ya's post in How to remove cover at rear fender? was marked as the answer   
    You have to carefully pull the rocker molding off to access the front stone shield screw.
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