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Everything posted by 70rtse440

  1. Nice looking truck , what bumper did you use for the rear?
  2. I have this NOS gauge, not sure what year or model it would have been used in? Also it is for sale. thanks Mark
  3. Here's what I'm switching over to http://www.penngrade1.com/ They have a great tech support will answer any of your questions. I shopped around and found this place to be the cheapest so far. Just rebuilt a 383 and will be using the break in oil first than switching to their 20/50. http://www.littlepowershop.net/servlet/Categories. my 1/2cent Mark
  4. My son and I went to check out a old junk yard. While walking we spotted a 51 B3C. We checked it out, told my son cool old truck. Well on my 50th. birthday my son rolls up with the cool old truck.
  5. Just finished the drivers side drip rail. Used a 1"X48" , bent at a 90, 22gauge metal, welded back on the truck. I Used Eastwood's Lead Free solder to flow in the seam and repair the rust damage at the top of the door/roof line.
  6. Mine are completely gone, So i will be attempting to build my own. Will keep you posted.
  7. Here's what I did, picked up the LED's from NAPA. I bought the rubber mounting boot also. It's a tight fit but works.
  8. I have 4, received them from Eaton Springs they measure appox. 4 1/2 X1 7/5 . I do not have the nuts. $20 + mailing
  9. Before I boxed the frame, welded grade 8 nuts to the inside of the frame where the running board brackets and cab mount brackets go. For the bed cross members welded a 1 1/2 square tube into the frame and notched out around it and drilled and welded in place
  10. Frame has been boxed, installed rack/pinion, narrowed rear. Have everything sand blasted. Installed LED lights for parking light. Now assembly and finishing the body work.
  11. Do you have the originals ?
  12. First I made a disk the size of the top, weld into place . Than used some 1/8" steel rod to copy the outside shape and dimension. Tried to match the contour of the front of the truck. Cut patterns that I could form and shape and than weld into place. Your looking at 15 hours of fabrication. Thanks
  13. I could not find a pair of replacement parking light grills so, I repaired my old ones. I just need to cut in the holes . Check out the before and after pictures.
  14. I am looking for a set left and right grill where he turn signal lights mount, see attached pictures. As you can see mine are pretty well rusted out.
  15. Did another one today getting a little easier doing it . Your right people just don't care, will not yield or give you a little room. So you end up being a little aggressive and you end up getting the 1 finger salute
  16. Did my first solo tractor/trailer tow,
  17. I'm putting my B-3-C back together. What fits between the fender and the cab? see attached picture
  18. http://www.restorationspecialties.com/ for rubbers and gaskets
  19. I'm doing a 440 transplant, exhaust and firewall clearance are your big concerns. I have posted pictures in members gallery under 70rtse440 . I haven't uploaded any pictures lately ,but will do tonight hopefully.
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