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Norm's Coupe

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Everything posted by Norm's Coupe

  1. Tim, I'm not going to argue that point. However, the box of Dried Blood the wife uses says it repels those animals. So, if what you say is true, it must be a mixture of blended dried blood in the box. She gets it at the local garden center.
  2. Bob, I'm probably just as patient as you are. But.........as we get older, moving all that stuff to find something just gets heavier and heavier. It's like my table saw in the garage. I keep it up against the wall of the garage out of the way toward the back of the garage. When I want to use it I always use to just pick it up and move it outside to keep the dust out of the garage. In bad weather I still have to move it away from the wall in the garage to use it. However, the last few years I no longer pick it up to move it. I drag it. But.........even that is getting heavier to do. So..........now I plan on putting it on wheels to roll it out when needed. I'll swear that thing gains weight as I get older. Already put the router table on wheels a couple of years ago.
  3. Brendan, Not sure if Dried Blood will keep cats out of the garden. However, it didn't keep our dog out of the flower garden when we had a dog. Had to train her other ways not to go into them. It does keep the squirrels out though, in addition to rabbits. The deer stopped eating the wife's Tulips too. There's a much cheaper way too to keep the rabbits, squirrels, etc. out of the garden too. Buy a bunch of the aluminum foil type pinwheels on a stick like you played with as a kid. Then just stick them in the ground in various locations in the garden. When the wind blows it spins the pinwheel and scares the rabbits, squirrels, etc., and the birds out of the garden. They work great and dirt cheap. Wife uses them all the time in her flower pots outside. We get them at a card outlet store that also sells party supplies.
  4. Like grey beard, I run a 180 thermostat too. My oil stays nice and clean and doesn't have any moisture in it when I check it. As for grey beard's comment about pulling each others valve covers at a meet. Well..........that would not happen on my coupe. They don't get pulled unless it's to work on the valves. That way I don't have to keep installing new gaskets. So.......people would just have to use their imagination as to how my valve chamber looked.
  5. Dennis, Put some Dried Blood in the garden. Can get it a most garden centers. It's just a powder. Won't kill the rabbits, but it'll keep them away from the garden.
  6. I'm the same way Jim. I never use the emergency brake in our modern cars, or the coupe. The modern cars I just put the car in Park. In the coupe I use put it in Low or Reverse, depending on the if going down or up hill. My ebrake on the coupe works, but just don't use it. Ed, Jim has a 47 Plymouth.
  7. Follow the gear shift rods under the hood from the steering column down. You'll see that there are a couple of joints. Lube those joints and see if that helps. Also, the gear selector will be stiff when the transmission fluid is cold.
  8. Don, Read this post. http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=14671
  9. Just checked the parts book. It did not give the length of the cable. The cable and cable shield appear to be one piece in the book. The part number for the cable assembly is 953765. If it's not working at all, I would pull it and measure it. Then maybe take it to a good parts store to see if they can match one up for you. Otherwise you'll have to go to ebay or start calling all the old Mopar vendors to see if they have one.
  10. I would pull the cable, clean it off, then apply some fresh white grease to it. At the same time, I would also put a couple of drops of 3 in 1 oil in the back of the speedo to lube it. (WD 40 wouldn't last long as a lube). Then take for a spin. It may still jump around a little at first, but should calm down after a few miles and work right, if that is all that's wrong with it.
  11. Merle, The other option if I hit the Easter Bunny is, I can do what the Blonde did. A man is driving along a highway and sees a rabbit jump out across the middle of the road. He swerves to avoid hitting it, but unfortunately the rabbit jumps right in front of the car. The driver, a sensitive man as well as an animal lover, pulls over and gets out to see what has become of the rabbit. Much to his dismay, the rabbit is the Easter Bunny, and he is DEAD. The driver feels so awful that he begins to cry. A beautiful blonde woman driving down the highway sees a man crying on the side of the road and pulls over. She steps out of the car and asks the man what's wrong. "I feel terrible," he explains, "I accidentally hit the Easter Bunny with my car and KILLED HIM." The blonde says, "Don't worry." She runs to her car and pulls out a spray can. She walks over to the limp, dead Easter Bunny, bends down, and sprays the contents onto him. The Easter Bunny jumps up, waves its paw at the two of them and hops off down the road. Ten feet away he stops, turns around and waves again, he hops down the road another 10 feet, turns and waves, hops another ten feet, turns and waves, a nd repeats this again and again and again and again, until he hops out of sight. The man is astonished. He runs over to the woman and demands, "What is in that can? What did you spray on the Easter Bunny ?" The woman turns the can around so that the man can read the label. It says.. (Are you ready for this?) (Are you sure?) (You know you're gonna be sorry) (Last chance) (OK, here it is) It says, "Hair Spray” Restores life to dead hair, and adds permanent wave."
  12. Merle, Mmmmmmmmm.........Fried rabbit sounds good about now. Wife would not cook it or eat it though. Wonder if Culver's will come out with a fried rabbit dinner someday? I guess I'll go along with that story about the Easter Bunny and Easter eggs. But.......that still doesn't explain the Easter Chicks.
  13. Bob, There's only one thing wrong with this type of thinking. Eventually you run out of space to stash the stuff. Then you will need to either move to a larger house, add on to the existing one, build a bigger garage or shed, or rent a storage area someplace to put your stash. Then that stash cost you extra, and you may never need the stuff. Today, I only buy what I need, when I need it now because of that.
  14. When I use to sell on ebay, I always insured the item I was shipping to the buyer and had the buyer pay for the insurance whether he wanted it or not. Never paid for proof of delivery. Always kept my shipping receipt. If someone had ever said they did not receive an item, I would have put a claim in to the post office. That way, it's wasn't my problem if it was lost or not delivered. It was the Post Office's problem to prove it was delivered or pay up, and I didn't have to pay extra for proof of delivery.
  15. Ok Tim. But........say I go along with that answer. Now, spring does not bring out the chickens or the bunny's. I have bunny rabbits hopping around my yard all year round. No chickens though. You'd have to live on a farm for that, which I don't. So.........if chickens and bunny's are around all year, why do we associate the bunny with Easter only. Why not also include them for Christmas, and Thanksgiving? Officially Easter is the celebration of my previous post, not of spring.
  16. Tim, I don't know about that. Sometimes Easter Day is before the official date of the start of spring. Easter is not like Christmas. Easter is not always on the same date, or month.
  17. Pete, if things are that far away from you, you really need to move closer to civilization.
  18. Don, I was just giving you the business after radioguy made his post. This argument/discussion is between you guys. I had no idea when the first transistor was invented or by who, nor did I really care. Now, here's what I really want to know. Who can answer this one? We know all about the story of Santa Clause/St. Nick and where they started. But.............If Easter is in remembrance of when Jesus was crucified and arose from the dead, how and where did the Easter Bunny and Chicks get in the picture? Maybe someone can come up with this answer either off the internet, or just make something up. Like I know where Peter Cotton Tail came from. That was from Gene Autry. http://www.geneautry.com/images/homepage/home_header3.jpg
  19. Since they recommended 30 weight for summer months when the cars were new, I use 10W 30W.
  20. I guess it probably depends on how old the paint is, what type of paint, and also how long the gas was allowed to sit on the paint. I wiped the gas off right away when that happened to me so all it did was take the decal stripe off the car. Back in the late 60's we had a sales rep with a new company car who worked in one of the bad area's of Chicago. Was parked on the street while calling on his customer. Came out of the plant and had graffiti painted all over the side of his company car. He called in right away to report it. We told him to go to the gas station and use gas to clean it off right away. He did that and was able to clean all the graffiti off, without damage to the car's paint job.
  21. Geez, you mean the Don was wrong? How can that be? I thought the only time Don was wrong was when he thought he was wrong, but actually right.
  22. Bob, had to be about 8 years or so, but I found a complete set of those hubcaps in excellent shape at a swap meet. The seller said they were Buick caps, but who knows. I liked them too, but didn't like the price. He wanted 300 bucks for the set, so I didn't buy them.
  23. Yes, I agree they will rust, but not that fast. I only wash my coupe about once a year and have never polished the hubcaps since I bought them. They have been on the coupe since about Spring of 04 and they have no rust yet. I did buy mine new though. Yours must have been pretty old when you bought them. Here's a picture I took at the Goodguys show in 04 with the hubcaps on the coupe then. They still look like new today.
  24. Bob, That's what I thought the Fiesta spinner caps were too until visiting the Dick Clark auto museum. They had a 57 El Morocco there with the same hubcaps. They also had a piece of original sales literature for the 57 El Morocco on a stand next to the car. Said the hubcaps were the original hubcaps that came from the factory. So........they are really a reproduction of the El Morocco hubcaps, not the Olds spinner.
  25. I have 57 El Morocco reproduction caps on my coupe since downsizing to 15" wheels. Prior to that I had 16" wheels with the other caps on it. Also have another set of 53 Plymouth full wheel hubcaps for the current wheels if I want to switch sometime. But.....like the spinners the best so they stay on the car. The last picture is how the 16" wheels looked when I first bought the car. I did clean those up, paint them and replaced all the original hubcaps with trim rings afterward. Geez, that's 5 sets of hubcaps for the car (counting the bad ones that came with the car) since I've owned it. I just told someone you could drive yourself nuts with wheels and hubcaps.
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