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Everything posted by azmichael1

  1. In the message below it is suggested that I may be using "family Loss" as an excuse for addressing the matter in my original posting......What ? My posting was never directed toward this individual and has absolutely nothing to do with them so why would they make such a morbid , insensitive and hurtful statement in a very public forum ? People express concerns on here very often.....are they all experiencing "family loss" and using it as an excuse. It seems as though others can be as offensive as they choose to be but If I were to say something like that to someone here I would probably be booted off immediately. All this because a select few (they know who they are) chose to start dissention among us and then step away and watch from the shadows and snicker this has certainly made for a memorable Thanksgiving
  2. I recently posted an inquiry about new electrical problems I was having. I was shocked when I received a barrage of messages from people who for some unknown reason, chose to completely misinterpret my message in which I attempted clarify that my inquiry was a completely new electrical problem and not a repeat of previously asked questions and to treat me with disrespect and disdain I have seldom seen . With such comments as "Snarkey remark " from one person or "Do you want us to hold your hand as we walk down Mamby Pamby Lane " from another person and "If you think we are going to magically do it for you, It 's not going to happen. All this from individuals who have absolutely no idea how much time,effort ,money and research I have put into this vehicle. All this from individuals who have no idea who I am. Let me tell you who I am I am a 64 year old retired fire district medical tech who has seen things I wish I hadn't and was awarded for bravery three times in my career...........that's who I am I am the father of a son who came home from the war in a box the size of a box of cigars because that's all they could find of him........that's who I am. I am the father of a daughter whose wish it is to complete the '48 Plymouth her brother started in tribute to him and although I know very little about the task at hand, I will do whatever it takes to help her complete it ........that's what dads do and ........that's who I am I am the guy that may have to ask for information from those wiser than I and willing to share their acquired wisdom ,maybe many times because I just don't know..........that's who I am. I am the man who was (IS) shocked and offended by those few who chose mob mentality to verbally chastize and embarass me from afar........that's who I am. And to them I ask ..................................................... WHO THE HELL ARE YOU ?
  3. Bob T : You're absolutely right. A shop with the proper testing equipment will be able to do a diagnosis in just a matter of minutes that would probably take me hours and probably still get it wrong. I'm going to check the regulator for a good strong ground as suggested and if that doesn't do the trick it's off to the generator shop. Thanks for your very helpful input Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Mike
  4. I do have a ground strap installed that goes from the engine to body. I will check that today to make sure I have a solid connection. Thanks for your help.
  5. Robert : Thanks for that information. I am starting to realize how critical a good ground at the regulator is. Ill check that first thing this morning and maybe I won't have to take the generator and regulator in for testing today after all. Thanks again for the great information Have an excellent Thanksgiving . Mike
  6. Merle : Thanks for the informative information and manual page content. I,m going to take the generator and voltage regulator in today for testing so that at ;least part of the problem may be pinpointed. I'll read over the page copy and use the information from there as well. Thanks !.............I really appreciate your help Have a very pleasant Thanksgiving Mike
  7. Tim : Point well taken ,communication, after all is the key and I do appreciate all the help and information I have gotten here . Mike
  8. Although my postings were in regard to electrical problems, the actual content of each was in regard to a different issue over a period of time as they arose . If my total of 12 threads over a period of 19 months ( far less than one a month) is excessive , I will limit my communications and attempts to gain knowledge although I doubt very much that my amount is any greater than most on here. It's interesting that I have received so many communications tonight but absolutely no response to any inquiries in my posting.............but I won't start a new thread
  9. I am totally unable to understand what was so offensive in my message that it would cause such a degree of contempt . Was it the part in the beginning where I attempted to clarify that the message was in regard to a totally different issue than previously posted ? (and it was not my intent to repeatedly post the same thing) Was it the part where I tried to explain what the problems were at this point? (which are beyond my level of expertise) Was it the part where I refered to POC members as being wiser than I ? ( I thought that members were happy to share thier knowledge) Was it the part where I stated that when I got the problem corrected I would not post regarding the matter again ? All pretty offensive stuff I guess, I'll try to be more delicate Mike
  10. TOM: Thank you for your great response..........it will be invaluable in correcting my electrical problem. Have A Wonderful Thanksgiving Mike
  11. Don G : Thank you for your great response...........that will be invaluable in solving my electrical problem. Have A Wonderful Thanksgiving ! Mike
  12. Don : Yes, I have inquired about DIFFERENT phases of this problem........but never about the smoking wire or motoring generator without the key even on that this posting is about......... or about the solenoid maybe being bad..... these are new symptoms of the same problem that still remains unsolved......therefore I turn to those wiser than I which happens to be fellow enthusiasts here on Plymouth Owners Club, where those that choose to respond, may do so and when the problem is solved, I will no longer need to inquire on the same topic Mike
  13. I recenlty installed a new regulator, battery and rebuilt generator and did the polarization thing...........but still no recharge of battery. when I attached a jumper wire from the generator field post to ground to do the ammeter pegging test, the jumper wire started smokin'........I then disconnected the fan belt,turned the ignition on and the generator "motored"...........I soon discovered that the generator when free of the fan belt would "motor any time both battery terminals were connected, even with the key off completely. Since the ignition wires in to the middle post of the soleoid,I'm thinking the solenoid is shot and is allowing voltage to the generator at all times without the assistance (or control) of the ignition.Can anyone with this previous problem confirm or dispute this for me ? ANY help would be very much appreciated. Also if anyone could verify for me what wires go where on the solenoid (3 post) I should probably make sure that is correct as well. Thanks! Mike '48 P-5 Deluxe Apache Junction, Arizona
  14. I have searched and searched here and elsewhere to try to solve my generator problem but can't seem to find just what I need to know. I recently installed new battry, NOS regulator and rebuilt generator and the car still seems to be running off the battery and not recharging. I have done all the tests with jumper wire and voltmeter and think it is probably the rebuilt generator I put in which appeared smaller than the original and now I'm wondering if that could be a VW generator or something like that and not capable of handling my system.......as for testing, while the car is running, if I put the voltmeter on the armature post (and ground) on the generator and get 6 volt reading, that means I'm getting proper voltage to the generator, right ? so what should I expect to see if I put the voltmeter on the field post and ground ? I'm thinking if the generator is working I should see something like 7.1 that is being put out into the system.............is this correct ? Any help anyone has to offer will be greatly appreciated Mike '48 p-15 Deluxe Apache Junction, Arizona
  15. I done good ! I only missed 12
  16. After considering all the pros and cons of converting to 12 volt alternator from 6 volt generator that I have read here, and after failed attempts to correct faults with 6 volt generating system , and since I already have the 1 wire 12 volt alternator, new 12 volt battery and some reducers, I have finally decided to convert the system. What I really need at this point is instructions on exactly how to do this,what needs to be changed, what goes where and part numbers for the components that have to be changed to accomodate the new 12 volt system. If anyone here has done this procedure,please share your knowledge with me or if anyone happens to know where I might be able to find all this information, that would be a great help as well. Thanks ! Mike '48 P-15 Deluxe Apache Junction, Arizona
  17. As many of you probably already know, spinner knobs were also known as "Necker knobs"...........named that because it made it possible to turn the steering wheel with your left hand so that you could keep your right arm around your date....................I have mine mounted at about 10:00.
  18. Thanlks for all the great information guys...........I should be able to have "Stella Baby" back on the road a lot sooner thanks to your help. Mike
  19. I recently redid the engine compartment of my '48 P-15 with oriiginal positive ground 6 volt electrical system. I removed the generator so that I could paint the engine. when I finished the project, the battery would not hold a charge or start the engine so I bought a new one, which started the car right off but the ammeter went far to the left indicating no charge. I researched the problem and read that if the generator were removed, the electrical had to be polarized after it was re-installed. Will failure to polarize the system keep it from charging ? From what I read it's pretty important. Also does anyone know if a '48 p-15 6 volt system is "A" circuit (polarized at the generator) or "B" circuit (polarized at the regulator) Any help will be greatly appreciated. Mike '48 p-15 Delux Apache Junction, Arizona
  20. Hi, Don; Yes, actually I did search the forum first but couldn't find anything specific to the information I need but I feel confident that some of the guys on here that are much wiser than me will be able help me out with this. Mike
  21. In the process of redoing the engine compartment of my '48 p-15 with the original 6 volt positive ground electrical system, I had removed the generator to be able to paint the engine. when I completed the project, I found that the battery was not holding a charge and,of course not starting the engine so I bought a new battery which started the car right up but was far to the left side of the ammeter when the car is running. If I did not polarize the electrical system after reinstalling the generator will that keep the system from charging ? from what I researched, it sounds pretty important. Also, does anyone know if a ;48 p-15 has an "A" circuit or a "B" circuit ("A" is polarized at the generator and "B" is polarized at the regulator. Any help/information will be greatly appreciated ! Mike '48 p-15 Delux Apache junction, Arizona
  22. I have pretty much given up on the 6 to 12 volt conversaion on my '48 p-15 but am now kinda wondering about how an 8 volt battery would for just that little extra bit of power. Has anyone here used an eight volt battery with unaltered 6 volt system? If so, how did it work for you,when it needs charged do you use 6 volt or 12 volt , where are they available aand about how much do they cost ? I actually used a golf car battery a few years ago and it seemed to work pretty good so if eight volt car battery turns out not to be the way to go , maybe I'll go back to golf car battery..............I just get tired of yelling "fore" everytime I start it. Any suggestions,opinions,personal experiences on the matter will be greatly appreciated. Thanks ! Mike '48 Plymouth p-15 four door Delux Apache Junction, Arizona
  23. After spending a few months refurbishing everything in the engine compartment of my 6 volt '48 p-15, I put the battery in today and as soon as I connected the battery the engine started turning over without the key on or the starter button being pushed.since there are three posts on the solenoid I am guessing that I installed wiring incorrectly and that the solenoid and/or starter button are basically being bypassed causing the starter to get direct current from the battery................can anyone here help me figure out what wires go to/from the solenoid switch so that I can correct this problem ? Thanks ! Mike '48 Plymouth p-15 Apache Junction, Az.
  24. There's a nice radio grille being bid on at E-Bay........it says it is for a '48 Plymouth Special Deluxe................does anyone know if it will fit the dash of my Deluxe ? (not Special Deluxe) Thanks ! Mike '48 Plymouth Deluxe Apache Junction, Arizona
  25. Wayfarerstranger ; I can't seem to Private Message..............contact me in regard to the baby moon type hubcaps. Thanks Mike azmichael1@yahoo.com or 602-751-6725
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