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Marty C

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Everything posted by Marty C

  1. Wow!! im in Long Island,New York but I’m willing to travel to pick it up
  2. Appreciate the responses but what’s done is done I’m still in the market for a good running 230 flathead 6 engine any out there??
  3. My first machine shop said dealing with pistons wasn’t his forte!! And the second machine shop is my friend who lives 200 miles from me . He was going to put it together for me. The first machine shop didn’t even reinstall the piston he took out to look at !! the shop was called superweld and they specialized in large scale Diesel engines. He was not an automotive engine machine shop I guess that should’ve been my first clue the only issue I have with him he shouldn’t have done all the work on this engine before taking out all the pistons and inspecting them for damage as it was when my friend’s machine shop pull the pistons they were all different kinds with different size rings and it was just a total mess!!
  4. After spending $1,300 on new valves and some machine work on the seats; I was told the pistons rings and cylinder bore us were in spec. Well I took it to another machine shop and found out the cylinders are all different sizes the pistons are all different sizes the ring gaps or all different….. bottom line a need a new good running engine. I was already lied to by the seller of the vehicle (ran when parked routine, and I was lied to and ripped off by a recommended machine shop. I need a honest good running engine to install in my 1952 Dodge coronet. CAN ANYONE HELP? thank you all in advance ! Marty C
  5. Thank you I will call!
  6. I wasn’t able to get a picture of the missing tube because by the time the technician had flipped over the engine
  7. Lol Sparklers voice to text. Spark plugs were new everything looked fresh on the outside but I pulled the head and I could tell it was a half assed restoration job the guy who passed away’s wife said it ran I bought it as is at a lower price because the some of the ignition wiring was ripped out . I rewired the ignition I had guess the car was OK the timing was fine I had spark the engine would not start I did a compression test and compression was extremely low so that’s when I knew I had to pull the engine
  8. No I bought the car from someone who was in the middle of restoring it and that guy died. She said the engine was running but I could tell it never was run because the sparklers were new never fired everything was fresh gaskets was fresh silicone on them and I tried getting it going for two months and there was no compression so I’m glad I didn’t get it running so I pulled the engine and took it to the shop when they took it apart they found that tube missing along with a lot of other issues inside the engine.
  9. Thank you all I will buy the output tube tomorrow from Vintage Power Wagon. appreciate the help!!
  10. Thank you for part number ??
  11. What’s the official name of this tube that come out of the the oil pump? it’s missing on my engine I need to find one and I need the correct name of the part In the attached picture it’s the tube crossing over the crank
  12. Sniper, Bought the car as a car from a lady that said the engine ran before it was parked but I never got it running that’s why it’s in the overhaul shop ?
  13. Any ideas on where to find or fabricate a oil bypass pick up tube for a 52 Dodge 230 6 ?


    1. Marty C

      Marty C

      Is “bypass tube” the correct name for this part?

    2. Marty C

      Marty C

      Is “bypass tube” the correct term for this pipe??

  14. My engine is at the shop being overhauled and the technician found the oil pump bypass tube missing . It’s the tube opposite the pick up tube and screen. What is the function of this tube; do I need it; where can I find or make one? any help would be appreciated
  15. I would like some info on what is needed besides an engine hoist to pull a stripped engine block out of a Dodge Coronet! ive heard the transmission has to be removed first! Is this true? im doing this out in the street with a few friends. what am I in for?
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