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Marty C

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Everything posted by Marty C

  1. I found one wheel so far , got it for $10 bucks
  2. One or two of my rims have severe “rim rot” ?
  3. I really want to use my original hubcaps but thanks everyone now I know they are 4&1/2 bolt pattern ill keep looking
  4. Hello everyone I have a set of four 15in tires on my 1952 Dodge Coronet with tubes inside. There is some rot on a few of the rims so I need to replace all 4 rims so I can use modern tubeless radials. anybody know the bolt pattern? What full size Chrysler should I google to find 15in rims to fit my Dodge?
  5. Thanks everyone I filled it with a fairly large pump oiler and it took only a few ounces of AW 32 just so I make sure this is the same oil I use in the transmission so when I googled 10 weight oil I get AW32 so I guess it’s used in both places since you can’t get mopar fluid drive fluid
  6. Makes the most sense but I spun the engine with the key and I didn’t see any. I guess I have to bump it or bottom. Bottom line is I need two people thanks guys. D35 torpedo
  7. I also have advice that I could use regular transmission fluid. The only other advice I got is that we have to buy 5 gallons of the special fluid and I’m not sure I can afford it at this time.
  8. Oh I’m sorry about the second part of my question my mistake my apologies
  9. Hello guys digging through my box of Dodge Parts that I got with my car, I found this cover, it looks fairly important. Anybody know what it covers? Also, I am missing my eight pillar interior covers. Anybody have an idea of where I could get some new ones or does anybody have extra ones that they are willing to sell?
  10. Hello guys digging through my box of Dodge Parts that I got with my car, I found this cover, it looks fairly important. Anybody know what it covers?
  11. I assume they are under the cover?so there is no need to remove the governor? Do the weights need to be cleaned and lubricated ? WD40?
  12. The wiring harness is new as is the interruptor the fuse circuit breaker and resistor is also new so I’m leaning towards the governor it has not been changed or looked at by me since I got the car going to look at it and the points Thank you all will keep you posted
  13. I have finally got my 1952 Dodge Coronet up and driving fine i decided to give it a shake down cruise it was performing perfectly until close to about 45 minutes of stop and go driving along with a stint on the highway the transmission started having trouble downshifting back to 3rd in drive range and 1 st in power range. the engine would stall sometimes or violently down shift when trying to accelerate sometimes on the trip home it would downshift ok but almost at a stop or again sometimes still stuck in 4th with the jerky downshift if I gave it gas! any ideas ? would lowering the engine idle speed a little more, help? my other idea is a dirty governor! Should I change the transmission oil? Any ideas? thank you
  14. I’m not a fan of Castrol either and I always thought Walmart’s supertec oil was really great oil and extremely clean too but as with everything I like they stopped making conventional oil I also used to buy their filters too but they also stopped making my filters I use so for my other classic cars I use pennsoil high mileage 10/30 not as clear or clean as supertec high mileage but was definitely cleaner than Castrol . The Castro I used yesterday on the dodge was extremely slippery when I was experiencing oil filter top cover leakage issues. It seems like great oil as far as lubrication goes but too bad my wix filter came with a defective gasket I had to use my old one and the filter stopped leaking immediately
  15. Changed the oil today I used the Castrol Classic with zinc plus added STP
  16. Where are you located?
  17. I saw the Castrol classic oil advertised but I thought I read in this forum to use a non detergent single weight oil I’m not sure you can get a straight weight Castrol Classic oil
  18. Through all your guys help I finally got my 52 Dodge Coronet running and driving perfectly my only question now is do I do anything to GyroMatic? it runs and shifts as it should should I check or change the fluid? Does the Fluid Drive or torque converter use the same 10w oil as the transmission? one more question what is everyone using as oil for the engine? The break in oil is still in it I haven’t driven it more than a few miles so I have time before I put the regulator oil in its
  19. Hello all ! I finally got the engine running, she runs great ,great oil pressure and cool temperature . I removed the transmission cover and found this open hole. Is this for the interrupter? also what fluid goes in the fluid drive? 10 weight like the transmission? I also put some oil where the interrupter goes and the transmission has been leaking it ever since!! I have the wiring harness now I just need the interrupter the car does drive and shift pretty well
  20. Well that’s why I bought a new one!☺️?
  21. Believe it or not, I found a new one!! I have a great old fashioned auto parts store!! Had this factory replacement part in STOCK!! that wasn’t the problem tho, it was a missing plug!
  22. Thank you to all who have helped me get this far!!
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