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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. Yea you can find anything on Ebay, I just looked under vintage switches and found a brand new old stock dimmer switch, not a Dodge part but looks the same in a box for $5 plus shipping. Also picked up a very old cool looking fog light, 6in yellow seal beam, looks like it's been on the truck for years, I love stuff like that, guess I'd never be in a car show with all the stock guys.
  2. If you want a spare 1950 Deluxe motor I have one you can have for free, but I'm in Port Ludlow Washington. ser. number #P20-411746, block is not cracked but stuck. Waldo
  3. Need to find out if a 1952 Spitfire motor with a automatic transmission can be used in a 1950 Dodge pick up with a 4 speed trans, need to use my bell housing and 4 speed with this motor, question is, will my flywheel bolt up the the spitfire crankshaft. My flywheel is a 4 bolt pattern.
  4. Tim I will be there with or without my truck, hope to get it running in time, I need a good running motor if anyone has one, applied for personal plates and there on the way, so if you see a green 1950 Dodge 3/4 ton with Waldo on the plates that's me. And just a thought, has anyone installed a 4 wheel drive set up on a 50 Dodge, I have the 4 speed with the block off plate for a take off, just need everything else.
  5. Had to ask if anyone has done a drive train swap with another 4 wheel drive truck, like take my 50 Dodge 3/4 ton pick up and use a Dodge power train from a newer year truck. My truck needs a complete drive train over haul, and thought I could just swap everything out to something newer. Just a idea, or if anyone has a nice running flat head 216 I would go for that.
  6. Waldo came from when I was part of the Waldo Grade Racing Team in Sausalito Ca. I was 14 and just a kid helping out, then I had a old 52 Dodge pick up and called it Waldo, now I have another Dodge, and having the time of my life trying to get it running.
  7. I'm looking for a good machine shop in the Seattle/Portland Or. area to rebuild my flat head six motor for my truck, need the block checked out, crank turned, cam, and the valves done. looked online but don't see much. Also I have a flat head six long block if anyone wants it, from what I can tell, it's a car block with a truck oil pan, has two dip stick holes and throttle fitting on the head. Anyway if anyone needs a long block it's free, can load in pick up or trailer for you. I'm in Port Ludlow Wa. I'm new to the web site, enjoy it very much. Looking forward to getting my 50 Dodge on the road and going to the BBQ in April, see you there.
  8. I have a 1950 5 window pick up, I am missing the upper radiator support that holds the hood to the upper grill and holds the rods to the firewall, 48-50 I think are the same, 51-53 are different due to newer grill. Anyone out there have one or know someone who does. I need it to hold my hood on. Please contact me. Thanks
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