Now the terrible part of the year is here again. Driving is no more and I am embarking on improving my cars health, fitness and look and feel. With the usual, almost unbelievable obscure battles and feeling lost far too many times. I literally spent 3 hrs. today trying to the change the vent window gasket. Ok, the change is done but the window does not close nor move. What an annoying bummer. Something that should take 2 hrs in total will probably take me two weeks in the long run.
Well, sorry for me dragging on.
Here now my actual question (supported by pictures below). The steering wheel needs refreshment. On I went and aimed for a 20 minute session (that is actually the link to my long and winding introduction :-). Off they went, the screws, the horn ring, the nut and I felt like the best mechanic in the world. Cool, that was easy, so I thought. And then I pulled on the steering wheel for the final feeling of victory. Only looking baffled and ... well of course this bloody thing does not come off, does not even vaguely move.
Now what? I have searched and saw this ancient looking horror device called "steering wheel puller". Is that the answer to my problem? Have I missed any other screws? What if such a puller is not at hand (which is the case), how else can I do it? Is it in the end a question of brute force? thanks for your help.