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  1. Thanks for all of your input. I'm gonna try a couple junkyards first. Burd
  2. Yes, I'm still stalking.....and I'm looking for a hood spring for my '47 Plymouth 2 door sedan. One of mine just broke. Anyone happen to have an extra? Burd
  3. Very interesting guys. I was a (Huey) helicopter crewchief/mechanic in Nam in 67-68. I retired in 2000 from the U.S. Postal Service after 31 years and still lovin' it!
  4. today. Tim, it's been a lot of shelling, but, it was worth it. The pecans that I got from you are great. Thanks again and I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving!
  5. The tires are Firestone, so, I suppose they are old. They sure don't look hurt and there is very small cracking. The price is right and I think they would be good for me just bummin' around town and such....I thought they might be too big though. Thanks fellas and I'll keep you updated. Burd
  6. they are H-78/15 (Bias) or I was told the same as 225-75/15. Will these be too big for my P-15 2-dr sedan? They are wide whites and little miles. I still have the oringinal 16" on the car,so, I'll need to find some wheels also. I've been looking for some older Ford/Chrysler steel wheels, but, have yet to find any. Thanks in advance for any advise on this matter. Burd
  7. Not me! I've had nothing but good results in here.
  8. Not my P-15...me! This is a bit off subject, but, I'm burnin' & need to get this off my chest. I also have two vintage Shasta 16' campers & I'm always keepin' an eye out for them. One is a compact that I spotted last year. I found out who owned it & called him. He said he would sell it, but, he had stuff stored in it & wasn't sure of the year or the value. We talked a few times and he called me last fall. He wanted to know if I could meet him at the site and discuss things, but, I was in the middle of something and couldn't get away. The next time I went by there it was gone, so, I figured he sold it. Now it pops up again. I called today & he still has it. He remembers me & us talking, but, says he never wanted to sell it. He apologizes and claims that he told me from the start that it wasn't for sale and I couldn't jog his memory. I finally gave up & asked him to keep me in mind if he ever does. I made sure that he had my phone # and told him where I lived. He was familiar with my yard & old gas station and wants to stop by with his wife to see my display. He's about 55 and seems real nice....go figure! Here's another quick one; a year ago I called about one I spotted. I talked to the wife and she said she would give him my name & number. I called a few more times,but, couldn't catch them home. Now it's winter so I thought I'd wait til spring. Last Friday I called and talked to him ( he's probably about 70) and he says "we're thinkin' about giving it to you, but, it's full of stuff & there's also some wasps nests in it." I said "that's great." "I'll help you unload it." I said "I'll be over in a few days. Please don't get rid of it before I get there." He says "ok". I call today to make sure he's home and told him I'd be over to see what needs to be done to get it out of there. You ready for this? He says "oh I give it away yesterday to another guy. He called me 6 months ago, so, he was first." I said "sir, I called you a year ago...I was first. Are you really gonna do this to me?" He was saying he was sorry as I slammed down the phone. Ya know, I'll be 66 in a week and I always stood by a "gentlemens agreement or a hand shake." I don't understand people! Thanks for listening, Burd
  9. in Clinton, Indiana....just north of Terre Haute.
  10. for the info Tim. My left one is broken,so, I definitley need that one. Burd
  11. about the "tudor"!? I think most of you know that I have P-15, "1947 Plymouth two door sedan". Sorry if I caused any confusion. Tim, does this mean that you do or you don't have any striker plates? The horn button is a chrome, 4 inch with a gold insert and a silver Clipper in the middle. Burd (Burd is my nickname for Beard which can be found on a Genealogy site as opposed to beard which is a facial growth and is probably found on a mens "grooming" site). <)>>>
  12. I have a horn button for a 51-52 Plymouth that someone can have....just pay the postage. Also, I need two striker plates for my 47' tudor. Burd
  13. brings me a couple striker plates for my '47 P-15, but , I doubt that will happen. Anyone have any out there? Also, I have a horn button someone can have from a 50-51? (not sure) Plymouth. I hope that you all have a very Merry Christmas! Burd (the lurker)
  14. Steve, I'm 2 hours north of the Follies. I think I found your car last year, but, you were never around when I was there. Not sure if I'll make it or not this year. Burd
  15. I got my ignition cyl and all my rubber (including window) from Andy.....no problems.
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