Weatherstripping: Windshield and rear window rubber, door weather-strip, cowl vent gasket, quarter window rubber, vent window gasket, window channel and sweeper, rumble seat lid rubber, soft top insert rubber, fenderwelt, fender filler, cowl lacing.
Interior Rubber: Gas, clutch and brake pedals, firewall grommet set, starter pedal pads and floor seals, gearshift boots, steering column post pads, door sill step pad grommets, clutch and brake draft seals.
Exterior Rubber: Hood corners, headlight and tail light mounting pads, door and trunk handle pads, trunk hinge pads, lens gaskets, running board rubber, gas filler neck grommets, door bumpers, bumper arm grommets, windshield wiper base pivot pads, hood bumpers.
Office: 1-617-244-1118
Phone Orders only: 1-800-457-1250
Fax: 1-617-244-1164
Mailing Address: Andy Bernbaum Auto Parts, Inc.
93 Border Street
West Newton, Mass 02465