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Happy New Years



Happy New Years !

Well on behalf of all the AoK boys, we wish you a Happy New Years !

In the last few weeks, after being nudged by a couple of members, we started to blog.

I figured we would give it a month and see if I got a few followers interested in the ramblings of a group of

Mopar Nuts !

We have been sincerely humbled by the responses so far.

While I cant guarantee I will have the time to post as regularly throughout 2015 as I have the last month, I will try and make sure a month doesn’t go by without some new post as long as you folks are interested !

If you have suggestions for topics, want us to go down some path or another, please don’t be afraid to

make suggestions. For me this blog idea was all about giving those interested in a peak into the world of the AoK boys. Without readers, and your interest, this blog will just dry up and turn to dust.

So what I am saying, is you folks and your feedback, comments, suggestions and ideas are the key to the success of the blog and my interest in doing it for you.

Thanks again and hope you have an absolute awesome 2015 !


Tim Kingsbury – on behalf of George Jr, Rob, George III, Eric and Evan Asche - the Southern Mopar Nuts,

& Dan Kingsbury and myself, the Northern Mopar Nuts, who combined are.. The AoK boys !


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Thank you Tim and Happy New Years to all the AOK boys.   I have to tell you the tip about your new intake and finding this blog were the hightlight of my 2014. Where have you guys been all my life? I just love your posts. If your taking suggestions, How about a series on George building an engine ? How about a sneak peak behind the place that is doing the molding, fabricating and casting of the intakes.?  or is that too much of an AOK secret? No fear of megoing to steal your idea. I just find it amazing to see the molds in progress. Maybe its also a favor and the guy doesnt want to be hounded with peoples projects. Its definately obvious you know where to  find talent or you guys attract it to you, not sure which. How about a series on the dragster? Im sure that must already be in the works. How about a series of the Asche Boys and your son? What do they drive, what are their projects? You mentioned a starter business by George's boys and when I was just talking to him he told me the story about that business. That sounds like something a lot of people on this forum could use. I hear starter and genrator talk all the time and now its obvious Asches have all that coveredand Im sure better than the chinese crap they sell at part stores. Im tired of crap that doesnt last 5 minutes. So any stories on stuff happening in the homeof the brave would be nice. Heck even from your country woud be good. Never had the opportunity to go see Canada and likely wont now but any place that made the chrysler flathead 6 and put dual carbsand exhaust on it from the factory is my kind of place and definately has my respect.

Ok mywife says stop talking. thanks for being there Tim, I really have enjoyed this last few weeks and I cant remember a month where my wife keeps saying what as I say wow.

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I love to hear any of all of those topics.  I also ditto desoto there. thank you so much for the time and effort you take in doing this. This is the type of stuff I love to hear, but never find. Real stories instead of short blasts that most forums are. Young guys seem more interested in getting and dont give back. So thank you and can you remind me again what your and George's numbers or addresses are? Id love to drop you a card and give you two a call at sometime for a chat. Unfortunately I can read this internet stuff, but my replies take my Grand Daughters help and she goes back to school monday. In the mean time she is visiting so she is doing Papa favours and typing responses

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Well I am hooked Tim. Happy New years and whatever you want to write about I would love to read about it. Now if you really start using 350 chevys, then I will stop reading !  By the way, I agree with all of the above !

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Being considered as a close friend of Tim's is an honor as is just knowing the Asche's.  Tim's knowledge is so vast its like going to a live computer when just shooting the breeze with him.I will always treasure his friendship and look forward to following whatever he puts out here.If you ever get the chance to meet  these AoK guys, i promise you wont regret the trip. Happy New Year to all, again thanks Tim.

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Well maybe I could find a 1951 Dodge Bussy Coupe somewhere and drive down and see those AoK guys ! Hint Hint.



Thanks Mike/51Doge...  very kind of you!  ps::  Give you the $100  when I see you need.. tee hee




I will follow the AoK blog for sure. I had the pleasure of meeting you while picking up a cam shaft for a 265 at Carlisle last year. Bumped into you later with a pair of air cleaners off a GMC truck in my hand, couldnt decide to buy or not.....You told me to buy them as they would fit my B&B's. Glad i purchased them. They look great!

AoK blog is a great idea.

Thanks Rob

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Tim, I will follow the AoK blog for sure. I had the pleasure of meeting you while picking up a cam shaft for a 265 at Carlisle last year. Bumped into you later with a pair of air cleaners off a GMC truck in my hand, couldnt decide to buy or not.....You told me to buy them as they would fit my B&B's. Glad i purchased them. They look great! AoK blog is a great idea. Thanks Rob

I do indeed remember you..

Have a boo on our rear engine dragster.. recognize the air cleaners !


In any case, welcome to the blog.  You and the audience will be the judge if it is a good idea !  lol
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