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My overflow tank is a Miller Lite beer can attached with a piece of wire.

If it overflows, it won't be returned to the engine.

Had to make the item for the HAMB drags a couple years ago.


I had to make one up for the antique nationals last month. It was a run-whatcha-brung setup. I run a 7 lb radiator cap with the rubber washer removed so it's zero lbs. I'm not sure if it would return the coolant to the tank.

I saw some nice modern kits at kragen with a white plastic tank and all the fittings for less than $10.00.



I think so. Truth is, these setups will spill a little coolant right at first after being filled, find their own level, and probably never spill another drop unless the motor gets overheated to boiling. I only installed mine to get past the tech inspection for the nats.


Nope, they forgot to look under the hood. All the helmets I brought were years out of date, I never knew they had an expiration date. :D They let me off with a stern warning about next time. Then they didn't require me to put on a helmet to race! I guess they figured I couldn't go fast enough to hurt myself. One guy in staging was wearing one of those dirt bike helmets with the long nosepiece.


Norm, for the HAMB drags and the Antique Nationals, I guess they're worried that our cars might spill coolant on the dragstrip, and the faster more powerful cars (furds and chebbies) might get squirrely on it.


I think.... the only need for an over flo tank ( aside from the drag strip thing ) is to add a gallon or so more capacity of coolant. Without it, your rad water expands, over flows when hot, and then when it cools down , draws air back in, giving you an lower water level ( ''seeks it's own level'' ). By adding the expansion tank, it will draw water back in , keeping it full to the top. The bottle or tank is open, I used a 1 quart orange juice bottle on my '55 Merc, a gallon antifreeze jug in the fender well on my '67 Toronado. BUT , the rad cap has to be the correct one, with double rubber gaskets, or it won't seal to draw it back in .

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