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OT Do you belong to Yahoo Groups? OT

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If you belong to any yahoo Groups this is important...

Sharing a tidbit of information:

Yahoo is now using something called "Web Beacons" to track Yahoo

Group users around the net and see what you're doing and where you

are going similar to cookies. Yahoo is recording every website and

every group you visit. Take a look at their updated privacy


1. http://privacy.yahoo.com/privacy

2. About half-way down the page, in the section on cookies, you will

see a link that says web beacons. Click on the phrase web beacons.

3. That will bring you to a paragraph entitled "Outside the Yahoo

Network." In this section you'll see a little "click here to opt out"

link that will let you "opt-out" of their new method of snooping.

4. Once you have clicked that link, you are exempted.

Notice the "Success" message on the top of the next page. Be careful

because on that page there is a "Cancel Opt-out" button that, if

clicked, will *undo* the opt-out.


I host the 49-50 Plymouth web group at yahoo groups. It's a smaller, less active version of this great forum. I hesitate to close it up because it serves a useful purpose and I enjoy the folks who take part. However, I am very tired of yahoo and it's snooping etc. I have a web page, rustyhope.com. I would really appreciate hearing from anyone who could help me set up a small forum within my own page. Any help appreciated.


many forums are using PHP here is a link to one of the more informative sites but there is a lot to learn to set up on your own


I have a 72-79DodgeTrucks group I moderate on yahoo

There are sites that set it up on their server but gives you more control. I looked at one of them a while back but stead with yahoo it seems to work ok just limits members to those with a yahoo email

I forget which one I looked at but do a google on PHP free forum and a few will pop up


Charlie I also belong to a tiny Yahoo group 40s Canadian Chrysler Group, we have only 30 members, very few posts, I don't like the Yahoo format, I do not frequent there much anymore..............Fred ps I did do the OPT OUT to keep them from snooping at least for now


I host the Golden State Regions Yahoo group. We use it to reach non members of the club and share info with the hope that they will be interested in joining the GSR. I was aware that Yahoo does some of this stuff but not sure of how far they will go. Looks like maybe I need to visit this recommended site and opt out. I will be sharing that info over at the Yahoo group. Thanks for the heads up. Pat, can I cut and paste your letter here to our group? Your information is worded well and will be helpful to the members. By the way, I just opted out and it really is easy. Now, do you think that I will need to opt out every time I go to the group section?


The Yahoo discussion boards are quite confusing to me. Don't know whether I'm coming or going or which post belongs to which thread.

They are far from user-friendly like these type we have here, thanks to GTK.

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