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Perry Davis coil and Condenser tester

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I went to a local swap meet held by the South Jersey AACA club on Sunday. There were a lot of venders.


I was able to come home with three great purchases.


1st found a Perry Davis Coil and Condenser testing. I know how to work the condenser testing part.

 But, i can read the instructions on the front of the tester. I have a question regarding the testing of the coil

   You plug the tester into an electrical outlet. Connect one lead to a spark plug and the other lead to the wire coming from the coil which would be my postive wire going to the distributor.

    Then i assume you should get a reading on the upper scale on the tool.

     When testing a condenser you have to press the charge button on the left get the reading for the MF, Micro Ferrets reading then discharge the condenser.

     But when testing the coil do I have to do the same process or not  and also does the ignition switch need to be turned on so that the current is now completing the circuit from the coil         through the distributor  to the spark plugs. I want to make sure I have this setup correctly and then do not want to destroy any of the electrical parts and the original coil that is in the         firewall.


I have never done this test so trying to figure out how to properly perform the test safely.  I purchased the tool for $10. Not a lot of money for a diagnostic tool.  refer to the attached pictures of the tool and the instructions on the tool.  Any help is appreciated. After getting the tool to work I will post pictures of the readings that I get on my 39 Desoto.  


Did a search and found an instruction sheet on the coil tester.  Hook up the two leads and then depress the charge button to get your reading on the scale.

But nothing stating to turn on ignition and or to depress the discharge button.

What is everyones opinion.instructionsheet.jpg.6eac8dbfd78687ed37371c472fcc2c76.jpg 


ester 2 Instruction.jpg

Tester 1.jpg

tester 3.jpg

Edited by desoto1939

Looks like to me you attach one lead to the solid core coil wire and other to the points wire, push charge button and see what happens.

Instructions are for single cylinder lawn mower engines.

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