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Rear Diff Lube Drain Plug?


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I've been looking at my diff, seen pics in the manual and elsewhere of where the drain plug is supposed to be...but I don't seem to have one. Even the pic in the manual shows the fill hole in the rear of the diff and mine is in the front. I've checked for the drain plug really well, my diff really isn't dirty but poked around with a nail just to make sure that crud hadn't filled the hole...but can't find it. But, on the rear of the diff, at the very bottom where the back plate is welded on.....there is what looks to be an allen head screw....pretty good size, not as big as I would expect the plug to be. I've attached a pic. My question....is this something that shouldn't be messed with..maybe some kind of set screw or something....or has anyone else run across this setup or is this been added on as a drain. Any info is appreciated...


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Hey thanks Lou....maybe I will take one out...and if it goes through I'll take out the second.....Will let ya know how it works for me. I'm just a little skeptical about messing with that allen bolt....ya know?

I have one that has no drain I read somewhere to just remove the 2 bottom bolts holding the chunk on the holes go all the way into the unit so it will drain from them- worked fine for me


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Hmmmm.....good point Shel....while I'm under the car tomorrow greasing everything else, I'm going to have to take a look to see if I have studs & nuts or bolts....if studs and nuts, then I think I'm going to confiscate me wife's turkey baster to get the lube out.........

Lower (bolts?) look like nuts and studs on mine. I have a drain plug so have never messed with those.
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That turkey baster with some clear tubing on the end so you can see what is happening may work to get a bunch out. Never have been a fan of loosening the bolts on the diff.. Afraid of the seal and starting leaks.

splat, be sure to run some fresh oil through that baster to clean it up before you put it back in the drawer:eek:

:cool: Man, I was hopin' nobody would catch me on the turkey baster thing.....cause I had planned on running some oil through it after I used it for sucking the old lube out of the diff.......but I was just going to use some old

30W that came out of the pan.....and slide it back in the drawer when she wasn't around:eek: Nowthe proverbial cats out of the bag!

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Yeah, I do know of those pump......I have a lube pump that I can use, also a drill driven pump......but hey, what fun is that when my wife just bought a brand new turkey baster, which means her old one is up for grabs! Plus, if I don't contaminate it soon, it's only going to be one of a thousand other kitchen tools that no longer gets used that I have to dig though in the drawer just to find my BBQ brush.....so actually, using her baster serves 2 purposes....removes the lube from my diff and removes another useless kitchen tool. And besides, I'm betting she'll never notice it missing.:D

You do know they make real tools to do just what you are talking about. They sell them at NAPA for less than $15. It's called a suction gun.


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