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Decided to weld in 2 small metal patches on right fender of Fargo.

I cleaned the are well, cut 18 gauge tin to patch size.

I welded in with .030 FCAW cheap junk welder, welds are very tough to get nice and purdy like a good mig.

I then ground down excess weld, and filled with 2 part epoxy adhesive. I will go over with the usual filler next.

The pics




Thanx Bob, these were very small rusted areas, but new metal welded in, and epoxy over that so far.

I sure wished I could get better welds, but with a cheap flux core, its tough...


This is about as good as it gets for me, on thicker material too.

I have trouble with sheet metal 18-20 gauge, getting nice beads, and not burning through, even on the lowest heat setting.

a pic of some thicker 1/8 inch angle iron I just ran some weld on, penetration was good on the other side too.



20 gauge sheet metal, butt weld joint, much harder to do with flux core, but penetrated well, burns through easy. Even this ground down, and fibreglass filled would be fine.

If I practiced lots could get the sheet metal welds much better even with flux core, gotta live with what I have and can afford for now..




Roughed in patch panel with a coat of filler, then shot on some primer. I have more work on this fender  and will block and glaze, all at once. I am not going to go to crazy on the body work, was a super rough truck, at retirement, might pull it apart and do it right, for now fix her up and shoot on a paint job...

Had to move truck out of garage today, wicked cold here especially being March. I ran outta gas, and got stuck a little too, lots of fun..





What rust? I don't see no steenking rust...


Was a bit chilly here today too, it only hit 76*F. What a coinkee-dink, I got stuck today too... tree branch dropped the backhoe boom while I was raking leaves with the front bucket. Rear tires were 3' off the ground by the time I figured out what happened... :rolleyes:


What do you use to cut out the rusted sections and to cut the replacement sections?

zip cut wheels, and tin snips


Try the Plymouth Doctor for these parts.  plymdr@aol.com is Wayne's email.  He has a catalog and you can find him on the web....

Don't think I would need this for tiny rust repairs,or to weld in holes, major panel replacements, ie floor pans, rockers etc. I do recall their prices to be pricey, and I am a low budget Guy.....

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