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Molding Trim Clips Suppliers???

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Hi all, can anyone recommend a supplier of molding trim clips for our old Mopars. I am looking for the belt line trim clips, nuts and bolts for body trim etc............Thanx Fred


Hi Fred. I decided NOT to use the trim clips when re-applying my trim. This is because they often damage the paint around the holes, rattle and set up a perfect place for rust to start. What I did was to use modern double sided automotive trim tape, and just as an added precaution used just one or two gutter bolts to ensure that it can not suddenly drop off and the trim become lost/damaged. The nut to go with the bolt had a tiny bit of automotive body adhesive (black and flexible) to "hold" the nut and stop it rattling or becoming loose. To date nobody has looked and noticed that there is a tiny edge of tape visible where the trim meets the panel. Not for the purists...but works well for me. Added benefit...if panels are not perfectly aligned then you can align your trim independent of the trim clip holes and make the alignment look better.




Thanx guys, wnet to a classic car supply place in Winnipeg. The guy gave me song and dance about who supplies clips, he said you can only buy from 2 manufacturers in The USA, that you could only get things in large quantity. This guy is so worng, I spoke wioth Restoration Specialties on the phone, he will sell me any quantiy I need.


Another thing I did today, after going to the parts store and feeling dsicouraged about finding any clips in Winnipeg, I decided to buy a little siphon sand blaster gun, I went home, filled the pail with sand, and hooked up the sand blaster to my compressor and I blasted all the clips I had , they are all shiny like new again, I will noly need to buy a few for the door trim, as they were delicate and broke after trying to remove them. So it looks like I can salvage the clips, will paint them before using..........Fred

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