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I have a '51 Fargo 1 ton that I hauled back from Manitoba recently. It has no spare tire, but the wheels are different than I've seen. I've seen split rims and split rings, but this has rings that are not split.

I'm assuming that you get the air out of the tire, mash it down and the ring will slide off sort of like a tire does, going down into a depressed part of the wheel, coming off at an angle.

Since I have no spare, I'm going to be looking for a wheel. What do I call this thing? Loose ring? Are they common? Should I just start trying to find something with the same bolt pattern so I have something?


Good morning. If it is a 6 lug BUDD style setup it is a locking ring type rim (2 piece). To disassemble you air down the tire, put a a tire iron or pry bar into the slot on the ring and pry it up out of the groove if fits into on the rim. Then the tire and tube can be removed from the rim. Clean both the groove in the rim, and the lip on the ring to make sure that they are not full of rust or damaged as it needs to fit tightly in order to work safely. If the ring fits loosely on the rim-get rid of it-it should have to be worked back on when you go to reassemble it. I'd suggest that if you have messed with this type of rim before that you have a tire shop mount and inflate your tire for you. These need to be chained up during inflation or done in a cage in case it comes apart. Mike


I've done a number of split rings. I sandblast everything to bare metal, repaint, then use it. I don't have a cage, but I slip it under a parts car to air it up.

No local shop will work on them. Well, not exactly true - they won't put air in them. They give them back to you flat. That is even worse, as you have no idea what it looks like inside and how it's fitting.

I'm not out there right now, but I think they are 5 bolt wheels. I'll get pictures and maybe someone can tell me what my chances are of finding one. I hope it's not a Canada/Fargo only thing and I have to go back north to find one!


should be the loose ring (Photo) as Mike said maybe split is full of ditt,rust,paint then again who knows what happen over the years as I think the 1 ton should be 6 lugs. From what I see Canidian trucks only have 1/2 ton and a 3/4- 1 ton models see photos




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