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Hot Rod Deelux Magazine Earl Edgerton Feature

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Hi all, picked up the November issue of Hot Rod Deluxe, to my surprise there iis a 3 page spread on Earl the "Edgymeister" Edgerton, the Montana Mopar Magician.

Pics of some of his cars, his first project a 55 Ford Pick-me up-1, his engine work of course.

There is a pic of his finned heads for flat head 6s, and a cool dual 2 bbl intake for the same.

He has another cool project going a F head conversion of a Mopar Flat Head 6, exhaust valves remain in block, but over head intake valves, more efficient chambers, etc, this engine should put out 220 hp, this is a bolt-on kit, sale price around $6000.

Very interesting article, and this means more perfofrmance parts for the Mopar Flat Head into the future.........Fred


Great, will look forward to seeing the mag sometime in the next 2mths here in Oz, Earl was very easy to deal with and accomodating of an Aussie when I bought my 23" head from him, just wish I can get the engine together asap.......thanks for the info........andyd

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