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P-15 Interior Plastic Parts........

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Hi, Mike

I haven't been on here in quite some time. If you still need interior plastic parts, e-mail me directly........ kevin@scottmodels.com

I have molds for just about every interior plastic part. Still plan to make molds for the rest.

David Maxwell....... I have the mold for your assist strap handle attaching screw covers finished finally. I'll try to shoot them soon.



Hi, Dennis

I've been fine. I'm really bad at keeping up with this site, though. Seems I only check in once every two or three years. There's so much activity it's a little overwhelming.

Thanks for the compliment, David. It's an honor to have such a beautiful car full of my plastic parts. :-)

I don't have any molds for Desoto parts. I'm not in the repro business. I just needed parts for my own P-15, and once I had the molds I figured I'd offer a few sets of parts to others who might need them. I also have molds for all the interior plastic parts for the post war Pontiacs since I have a couple of those.

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