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Tanks Inc rollover vent valve mounting question

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I bought a tanks inc tank for my 49 early model d24. I know a couple guys on here bought this tank also. My question is, where did you mount the rollover vent valve fitting as it is supposed to be higher than the tank filler?

The attached pic is not of the exact valve but this is basically what it looks like. The one I have does have a hose fitting rather than threaded like this one:


Todd Bracik


I have the same valve for my poly tank from PlyDo. It came with the same type of instructions for mounting the valve. I mounted mine near the filler top opening in the fender well. I did have the benefit of not having the rear fender on at the time. Put it as high as I could get it and it's about even with the top of the filler tube. Not much more than about 1/2 inch below the top of the tube. It's been like that for at least 7 or 8 years and works fine. I really don't know of a better spot. You don't want it inside the trunk. If you put it in there you'll get gas fumes in the car.


Thanks Norm! That is just what I needed to know.

I have the same valve for my poly tank from PlyDo. It came with the same type of instructions for mounting the valve. I mounted mine near the filler top opening in the fender well. I did have the benefit of not having the rear fender on at the time. Put it as high as I could get it and it's about even with the top of the filler tube. Not much more than about 1/2 inch below the top of the tube. It's been like that for at least 7 or 8 years and works fine. I really don't know of a better spot. You don't want it inside the trunk. If you put it in there you'll get gas fumes in the car.

I mounted mine almost to the top of the rear inner fender, made a bracket, installed and ran the hose to tank, works great and is out of sight.

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