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Catywampus Balderdsah . . . . . .

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Anyone who ever pulled a nose off of a PIlothouse knows you add shims to raise the front and subtract shims to lower the front, so that the fenders line up wth the front door edges. Simple, what?

Wellllllll, my own truck nose is half an inch too high on the left and half an inch too low on the right side. That the nose is indeede crooked is born out by tape measurements from bumper to parking light centers. The thing actually sits crooked on the frame.

Now waddaeyedoo? The difference is already split - both sides are equally unacceptable. Mebby I need a frame machine to get my nose to sit squarely on the frame . . . . . .

Suggestkions are welcomed (hint, hint!):) :) :)


It appears your issue is from the frame going up, but what do you do if the frame is a different measurement from one side of the bumper to the other side, off the floor while setting on a level with both tires properly inflated? Can you add or subtract in the springs/shackles to raise the frame from side to side? Can an issue with the springs on one side having gone flatter than on the other side be fixed/adjusted, short of installing new springs? Also, can the springs being flatter on one side than the other cause the frame itself to eventually sag, or flex enough to cause the problem you have now? Joel


This issue invives aligning the cab to the nose. Spring changes won't help here. It's just that the nose and cab don't line up to one another. If the franmew is bent, cab could be shimmed up, but changes below the frame on the suspension menbers won't affect this allignment. I'm still 3/4-inch high on the drivers' side and a little low on the passangers' side. Wish I had a floor ahchor to tie to, I'd jack it straight. Guess I may need that frame machine.


GB-when I had my nose off-I left the rad support on so I'm not sure about this. Doesn't the rad mount bolt on with two bolts? Is there any way to just shim one side? I'm wondering if your radiator mount is the culprit and bent? Just something else to look at before trying to tweak the frame. Mike



I think you may be right. I now have three shims under one side and none under the other, but the two bolts are only four inches apart, so it's pretty hard to move that heavy stuff with little leverage. I believe either the radiator support or the grille shell, itself, was once knocked silly and not repaired properly - something that slews the entire nose off to one side horizontally. Wish I had a floor anchor to tie down to. I'd have it straight in a New Yerk minute or two . . .

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