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Ed Fleming

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Everything posted by Ed Fleming

  1. Thanks for the help Bob
  2. Hi just the springs on the park brake itself that goes on the tranny
  3. Hi guys does any one have a picture of the hand brake under the dash .My problem is when I engage the brake then release it the inner cable does not go back in place I can pull the cable from underneath the car back in to place but when I use it again it seams to get stuck back out again. Is it suppose to be locked in some how any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks Ed
  4. Thanks guys for all the help , got the right pan set 25in,s all sealed up and running with out leaks thanks again Ed .
  5. How can I find out the cu.in of my flat head 6. I was told it came out of a 52 dodge fargo .I need to put a new pan gasket on it. I bought one for a 218 but it was too short ,The engine measure,s 25in. long the number over the starter is140-2529 there is number over the generater an it is p6-d1 7114c any help would be greatly appreciated thanks Ed.
  6. Boy do I know how that feels .I had the same question asked to me at a A and W cruise in this summer .My 23 year old daugther was with me I though she was going to die laughing. My ply is a 48 IM 57 It just makes your day dont it
  7. Try the rubber boot in the firewall .the one on my 48 was dry and causing the rod to stick
  8. Best of luck and a speedy recover from canada
  9. I have a 48 ply 4 door with a 1952 fargo engine I have to replace the timeing chain gasket and seal also pan gasket and rear main seal my question is how do I find out what size the engine is ALL I know is that its a flat head 6 .
  10. Thanks too all who help me with the wiring prombles I have them working all most perfect I elimated the front parking lite promblem buy putting two more diodes in the turning signal wire .This elimated the parking lights from coming on when I applied brakes so now I have three brake lights an a faint turning singal light when Im applied the brake put I have a good singal when I not on the brakes , the front works perfect .So two diodes in the brake lights wiring got me the three brake lights and two on the turning singal wiring elimated the feed back in the parking lights. I think I have to get a new turning signal unit .for mine has only three wires and its worn out and has the old wiring Thanks again for all the help Ed
  11. Did you try putting the thermostat in boilling water to see if it opening .
  12. John my deeps sympathy go out to you and your family .But you are 100% right about retireing I retiered 2 years ago and been busy ever since
  13. young ED MY brake lights get the power off of the back of my light switch.AND my turning signals get there power from the ignigtion.there were only three wires on the turning signals one hot to the flasher and right and one left . The flasher has three prongs one hot and one that flashes and the third one was to go to the hi beam light . This is the instructions I got with the flasher I bought . thanks for all the help ED
  14. HI I still trying to work out one more promblem I HAVE THREE brake lites now and no feed back through the turning signals I put two diodes one in each brake light wire this stop the feed back of the turning signals but now when I PUT on the brakes my parking lights lite up Im thinking that the head light switch is were my problem lies the turning signals feed off the ignition but the brake lights feed off the light switch so IM still working on it ? IM going to try the second brake light wire .I will keep up dated .ED
  15. Micheal I have a set of 4 in fair shape put there a size 16in I believe. They came with my 48 ply but they wont fit ther to big
  16. Hi guys ILL give you a update on the wiring I went with putting the diodes in the brake light wires it work no more feed back though the turning signal and all three brake lights work great . But are you ready for this all work great untill Iput on the head lights then I lost my turn signals .So Im still working on it thanks for the help .ED
  17. Nice looking old girl. Have fun with it and keep this forum handy its priceless GOOD LUCK
  18. THANKS everyone Igoing out later to night to start some rewireing I will post what happens thanks once again .ED
  19. you guys get away cheap just think if you were like me a canadaian you would be throwing out 29 dollars then the groverment taxs that lol tim your just about nailed it on the head.
  20. Greg the diode ideal sounds great but what size do buy I was told there are all different sizes thanks Ed
  21. Im running the oem 3 wires turning singals. but I dont understand what hydralic switchs you are taking about? thanks for such a quick replay Ed
  22. Has anyone everhooked up brake lights and turning signals on a 48 ply p15 my problem started last week . When I went to get gas some guy followed me in the gas station yelling at me that I had no brake lights . When I checked the centre trunk light . It was working but not all that bright so I got the bright idea to hook up both fender lights to the centre brake light by jumping a wire to both lights . that worked fine but now when I put on my turning signals all three lights flash I have tried every combination of wiring Icould think of with no avail. so if anyone has two or three working brake lights and turning signals I would appreciate how you did it thanks for any help Ed
  23. Thanks everyone for all the great advice .Now ILL I have to do is get busy and do all the adjustments I need to do thanks again Ed:)
  24. Thanks guys but have adjusted the doors useing the 4 screws on the B post but it seams like the door is bouncing on the stricker .The door latch it self shows some ware on the gear . I have check all the hinges and all are tight any other suggestion all are greatly appreciated
  25. I have a 1948 ply p15 4 door and the door latches are still holding but they rattle and sometimes I have to use a screw driver to open the drivers door.I was wondering if there is a quick chance or a upgrade were you dont have to cut the door post or the door. Any help would be greatly appreciated
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