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Lou Earle

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Everything posted by Lou Earle

  1. Yes thats is her
  2. Have a great 46 coupe 4 sale on e bay- anyone interested contact me direct for more info and price thanks Lou
  3. On a 53 ford I have someone made a cannister out of pvc pipe 1 1/2 inches in diameter and about 3 feet long and attached it to the hood. The drilled a hole for a check valve from a power brake booster inserted it and it leaked. I just put rtv sealant around it and the smaller fitting where the wiper tube is connected. It now works great. I have also read that to big a cannister in not very efficient because the draw needed to create vacuum in the cannister is so large it causes the wipers to go slow- that is what others have said. The 3 ft by 1 1/2 inches seems to work fine Lou
  4. I think you might have hit it thefirst tiem I had loosened the drivers side motor mount attempting to reduce vibration -probably overdid it will let youall know Lou
  5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have overdrive trans when driving in standard mode soemtimes it locks up either in first or 2nd when I put clutdh in still will not shift but slow down and then it will shift. Suggestions? Lou
  6. Have overdrive trans when driving in standard mode soemtimes it locks up either in first or 2nd when I put clutdh in still will not shift but slow down and then it will shift. Suggestions? Lou
  7. Personally, if I am going to use a car frequently I will convert. By the time you buy the 00 cables you should be using, the larger 6 v battery your already into 150 bucks. Then after you have let your car sit for 2 or 3 weeks and go to start it you usually grind and grind thinking your out of fuel in the carb- but not so you charge it up overnight and then amazingly it fires right up- at lest that is what happens to me. Then it dawned on me -" If you think it is a fuel problem check your ignition system" -Wendell Mims 1935- 2004- I am convince that 90 percent of the hard starting is ignition related. On the old 6 volt systems all must be very near perfect to have her fire after sitting. I have an A model 34 plym 50plym and 48 taxi all converted and no problem starting Have varying degrees of trouble starting with the remainder. That 12 volt shot to the coil from a ford type starter solenoid really is fantastic in getting them to fire Just my thoughts Lou
  8. Was looking on napa for head gasket- found that a 48 gasket is 38 bucks and the 54 gasket it 46. I thought they were interchangeable am I wrong? lou
  9. thaxn a lto splle chick works graet!!!
  10. Ijust changed to 12 volt on the taxi with overdriveso have little or no experience. I will probably runit until it fails- if ever Lou
  11. Well Ga. tool and machine in Macon Ga made up a new diveshaft with"modern" universal joints and a slip yoke and output shaft forthe 48 taxi. It really made big difference in eliminating vibration. Thanks to Tim and others for the parts list. Ga tool used it to get the parts from spicer. Total cost for parts( Ga tool gave me abouut a 30 percemnt discount) was $325 plus tax. That also includes 80 bucks for labor. Not bad at all in my view. Installed it an about 2 hours- very tedious getting the bolts and nuts on. In light that replacent or rebuld kits are rather scarce and expensive I think this is the best route. Thanks again to all who provided info. Also someone please let me know where I can get spell check mine got wiped out somehow Lou
  12. I also changed my overdrive relay to a bosh type after converting my taxi to 12 volt. George Asche tells me that the 6 volt solenoid will work on 12 volts.He has a friend who has been running the solenoid on 12 fro about 20 years with no problem However Tim Adams adn another fella who is framilar with these ovedrives says it will eventualy fail because they run afoul of OHMS law. So have conflicting reports Lou
  13. I also have used the jb weld/screw trick the only problem is it so far has only held 20 +years- will probaly fail any day! Lou ps also jb is an excellent leak patch on aluminum boats
  14. yes that is it. What is the secret- reverse order will not work- used a diegrinder to remove the old rusted one Lou
  15. Had to take out the toe board on the 50 plymouth station wagon. got the gas pedal and the lever to the throttle linkage installed on the toe board. Now the question is how do you install it- any suggestions most welcome Lou
  16. After you drove it around the block did you remover the distributor? If so youu mingh have put it back in reversed. LOu
  17. the hardest part or the whole thing is getting the box and steering shaft out!! after that it is simply a matter of replacing bushings and seals. I have done 2 and both were veyt easy. the only problem inside that you cannot fix is if the roller gear?? on the top of the arm shaft is badly worn. to test simply roll it over with yoru thumb and see if you detect any roughness whie rotating. If no roughness instai new bushings and seal adn fil her up your good to go. To remove the shaft and box I removed the stering wheel then loosened all - bolts holding the box then raised the car way up on jackstands and removed the box and shaft by sliding it out the front. I had unscrewed the tube from the box and slid the tube up inside the car so I could get the shaft out. good Luck not a hard job but tedious getting that sucker out Lou ps somehow lost my spell check could someone please post where I can get one? thanks
  18. Well, ordered all the parts from Middle ga tool and machine. Wow have prices shot thru the roof! Just the parts are right at 400 bucks. Now then there will be the tube and the welding - bet I get close to 500 in it before it is done. I will be installing it into a 48 plymouth 4 door drivetrain. If anyone knows the tube measurement or how I should measure for the tube pleas let me know. Thanks Lou ps soem of the part # have changed. When I get it finished wil post the new #'sand a report on how it does Lou
  19. thanks for replies but I was looking for the thread or pic that had an invoice stating allth parts needed from spicer???
  20. well,put the old taxi back onthe road fter a long rest. The driveshaft adn universals are pretty well done in. I have tried to find the post about the new parrts needed for "modern" universal joint conversions. Would someone please direct em to the post or re post the info? thanks Lou
  21. could not get the email to go thru any other address?? lou
  22. Redoing a 54 plym and the fiber piece(plenieum??) between the front heater core at the grille and the fan on the fire wall is shot-anyone got any ideas where I can get one? thanks Lou
  23. Computer went down and had to install new something or other- lost spell checker in process. I got one hre some tie ago and wonder if anyone can refer me to a new one. thanks Lou
  24. Hope you got that brake mess cleard up
  25. I been knowing this guy for years- watch him close- he is a CLOSET ford man!!! Met him years ago- then he was hiding out in Fla having fled Yankee land!!! Said he was retired- likely story-Well anyway he was not working But he was driving a ford in broad daylight for everyone to see. I noticed his neighbors in Fla did not come out to greet him when he came home- could have been the 100 plus temp. I don't know for sure. I do know one thing for sure- he knows where there is a great eaery in the Fla west coast area that has the best salad dressing in the world. Now he claims he is in NC- likely story- might even be true but I will bet the farm he is near water- he is just that kind of guy- he just cannot help it. I am just gonna have to wait and see if he is a true blue plym fan or a cheap impostor. Anyway I am not going to mount a crusade to ban him- he ain't quite that bad. But I were you guys I would watch him close he might shift to Buick's and leave us in the dust. Bout time you realized,Gillette, that rel men and women drive real cars Chrysler products- after all Henry had to buy Walter's transmission to get his cars to run. And besides- how come it took Henry 8 cyls to produce 85 hp and plym just 6 to get 100 and- who won the Dayona 50 in 1950 - sure weren't a ford. Good to know your still alive and can take some jesting Lou
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