I just tried putting the original steel wheels on, and i remembered that the front and rear wheels were different sizes for the eyelet to go on the hub. But here is my question, I tried one on the rear and it wouldn't fit. So I went and put a different one on the rear and it fits. So I went to put the one I had just tried on the rear (that didn't fit) on the front, and it didn't fit. I only have four wheels with the truck and they all came off of it. But this one just doesn't want to go on the truck. So here's my thoughts. A hub could have been replaced and was a smaller size for the eyelet of the wheel, maybe it was a ford wheel?
Any input on this is appreciated, I'm bum-fuzzled!
Also, there's a vin number above the rear of the drivers side wheel on the frame, number 1271847 I tried using a website to decode, and it only gave me an error. And for the door tag, I lost it. So there goes that vin number!