Besides the Plymouth I'm playing with I'm also a Studebaker person. In the Stude circle there is a term, CASO (cheap **s Studebaker owner) they are known for jerry rigging, buying inferior parts and sometimes un-safe practices. Well I guess I'm a CAPO. I have been looking for a master cylinder and found a part number Cardone 13-33241 and Googled it found M/C's between 55 and 60+ dollars. Ordered one from Parts Geek. After days of wondering it's status I get a email Not Available. So then I did the same Google and stumbled on Autoplicity which claimed real time inventory with 27 in stock. Well a week later NOT AVAILABLE. I finally bit the bullet and bought from a reputable supplier.
Please forgive me for being a CAPO, Lesson Learned. Support our suppliers as much as possible!!!!