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gearhead49 last won the day on October 16 2014

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Northern Indiana
  • Interests
    Harleys, Studebakers
  • My Project Cars
    1949 Plymouth Club Coupe

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  1. Just ordered the Wix 24755 base and Wix 51050 filter on Amazon for $43.66 with free shipping. Have been wanting to ditch the expensive throw a way filter on the 49. My 59 Studebaker 259 has the partial flow filter option and my opinion is some filtration is better than none.
  2. Thanks Rich, would have never thought of that, I did find them at Restoration Specialties and ordered 20 of them. Their UPS shipping rates were high, but oh well. Thanks for the replies G
  3. Hello Everyone I'm looking for a source for door panel retainer clips for my 1949 P-18. Working on new door panels and quite a few have seen better days. Any info is greatly appreciated. THANKS G
  4. Besides the Plymouth I'm playing with I'm also a Studebaker person. In the Stude circle there is a term, CASO (cheap **s Studebaker owner) they are known for jerry rigging, buying inferior parts and sometimes un-safe practices. Well I guess I'm a CAPO. I have been looking for a master cylinder and found a part number Cardone 13-33241 and Googled it found M/C's between 55 and 60+ dollars. Ordered one from Parts Geek. After days of wondering it's status I get a email Not Available. So then I did the same Google and stumbled on Autoplicity which claimed real time inventory with 27 in stock. Well a week later NOT AVAILABLE. I finally bit the bullet and bought from a reputable supplier. Please forgive me for being a CAPO, Lesson Learned. Support our suppliers as much as possible!!!!
  5. Tragic, what a beautiful car. I'm sure the minivans insurance company will be happy paying that claim. Hopefully he was insured.
  6. Thanks for the replies, will look on Ebay and the Ducktail Run swap meet next week for a canister type. Any advice on what to look for, or if anyone has one for sale let me know.
  7. $45.00 for a oil filter. Ouch
  8. I did search through the forums and didn't find a lot of pro's or con's or really anything on a remote filter. Was hoping I might find some installation pics somewhere.. My 59 Studebaker Lark w/259 v8 has a neat dealer installed spin on set up that uses a NAPA 1040 filter. Don I live in southern Elkhart county. Always glad to see a fellow Hoosier.
  9. Have been working a bit on my latest find 49 Plymouth. I want to give it a oil change and the filter is the Wix throw away type. The replacements are priced way out of my budget. My question is, has anyone ever converted to a remote spin on type or should I search for a replaceable filter type canister Thanks G
  10. Autobody101.com A great site for tip and tricks.
  11. A mixture of ATF and Acetone 50 / 50 is a inexpensive and excellent DIY penetrating oil. Used it to free a Studebaker Champion 6 years ago. Let it set about a week and with a breaker bar and a piece of pipe it was free. I did have to remove the head due to a couple stuck valves that were in the open position. After a couple taps with a wooded block and installing the head it was running and not smoking.
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