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About 47droptop

  • Birthday 03/18/1964

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Alberta Canada
  • My Project Cars
    47 Plymouth Convertible

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  • Biography
    Have a 47 convertible and a 47 Sedan
  • Occupation
    Auto Tech


  • Location
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  • Interests
    building rods and customs

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  1. Well after 2 1/2 years of hard work in the garage, the '47 convertible is done. Well that's a loose term, I guess, it's never really DONE. Still working out the bugs but enjoying the ride
  2. Hi Jim. I've been a mechanic for 26 years and have never seen a module cause a dead short. I don't have a module handy right now to check for you but I would make sure you have it wired correctly. You're #1 terminal (on your pic) should be coil -ve, #2 is ign. power, and 3 &4 are your distributor wires. If that's the way you wired it with ballast resisted ign. power to coil +ve, then it's wired correctly and when you crank it over it should pulse coil -ve. Hope that helps. Glen
  3. And what do they have against Canada, they won't ship here..is our money no good? "@$&%&*"
  4. Bob, we're praying for you and you're family up here in Canada too. I'm so glad to here you have so much support from your church family and all the members on this forum. Thanks for keeping us posted and may Christ guide you and support you through all of this.
  5. Found this posted on my local Kijiji site 13 hours ago if anyone is interested http://edmonton.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-classic-cars-1949-Dodge-Wayfarer-Roadster-Convertible-VERY-RARE-W0QQAdIdZ273687619
  6. Thank you. I'm using the 4sp automatic that is bolted to the engine. Fortunately the truck was a 2wd and not a 4x4. The engine will be a snug fit but will work.
  7. What a beautiful car Rick. Looks like that front B.C. plate's been around awhile . You should drive to Radium in September for the Columbia Valley car show...I'ld love to see you there.
  8. well capt den, you should buy it for your wife . It has upgraded disc brakes, fuel injected 318, power windows, cruise control, etc. A fun cruiser. Some women really like to drive topless
  9. just shell casings:D:D
  10. ya, Dan did a museum quality job, wasn't cheap though, but an incredible job.
  11. The sedan in the back is 1930 Pierce Arrow Model B. It belongs to my old divorce lawyer (got my money back and then some) and has been in her family for a long time. It was last winters project putting back together and restoring the drivetrain. The interior and soft top insert was redone by Dan from Classic Automotive Upolstery in Edmonton. The car still wears it's original paint and is rust free! Was a fun project.[/img][/img][/img][/img][/img]
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