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About krodaddy

  • Birthday 02/25/1956


  • Location
    Easley, South Carolina, 52 Cranbrook
  • Interests
    Motorcycles and Old Cars

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  • Occupation
    BMW Motorcycle Service tech.
  1. I went to the HAMB and read your thread, they are a pretty straight up bunch over there and had some valid opinions and ideas. Personally I like what you've done with your car including the headlights. REALLY dig the skirts, gives my an idea for my 52. If you change the grill I would be interested in buying your take-off parts cause mine are a little rough. Barry
  2. Shipping was very reasonable when I got mine fron the manufacturer. They packaged it all in a couple of boxes and shipped it UPS, but like I said they are kind of hard to deal with. Barry
  3. I bought floor pans from the ebay seller last year. They look just like the ones Rock Auto is offering now. So I went to the Current to Classic web site and sure enough that is the people I got mine from. First let me say that for the money, I'm happy with what I got. And when I inquired about an access panel, they didn't have one but told me if I sent my rusted one to them they could build it for me for free. The access panel you see in the ad is the one I have in my garage now. These parts are going to require a good bit of rework and fitting before they are ready to weld in, but for the money I feel they are worth the effort. If you are building a car for the concourse show don't get this stuff. If your car is a driver this stuff is perfect. Now take this with a grain of salt, These guys at Current to Classic are hard to deal with, at least that was my ebay experiance with them. It took two months to get the floor pans, they don't answer email, and it is extremly hard to get them on the phone, you get an answer machine and they don't return calls. In fairness to them, maybe the are real busy and understaffed, I don't know, and they did cut me a good deal when I finally got ahold of them and complained about the slow shipping. All that said, I would buy from them again but probably not from ebay. I started cutting the floor out of my car yesterday, I'll let ya'll know how it all works out. Barry
  4. Hi Bill, I live in Easley SC and have a P23 that is in the middle of a rebuild. I sure would liketo see your P15. Barry
  5. I know a place in Greenville SC that has a box of used R 10 overdrive parts. Not sure exactly whats there. send me a PM if you want info. Barry
  6. [quote name= Also the idea is to sell the car to pay for college so I want to fix it right[/quote] Good luck with that. $$$$
  7. Will a 3.73 ratio work with a overdrive transmission?
  8. " some bastard angle" Now that's some funny stuff.
  9. A smaller bore in the master cylinder will require the brake pedal to be pushed farther down to displace the same amount of brake fluid as a larger bore. This results in a softer feeling pedal and improved braking control because of more feedback thru the pedal. We did this with the front brakes on our BMW road racing motorcycles a few years ago and it worked great. I don't see why the same principle wouldn't apply to our cars. Barry
  10. I just got done building my rear end. I took lots of pics. send me an email address and I can forward some to you. If the axels are still in place I guess that the pumpkin could come out about an inch or so then the axels would stop it from falling out.
  11. Thread size is 3/4-16, will require a 1 1/8 or 1 1/4 inch socket. Don't know about the special sleeve. Are you removing the axel?
  12. Got all the rubber parts for my 52 from Roberts Motor parts. Did everything on my whole front suspension for dirt cheap.
  13. Going to bring the block to the machinist on monday to get bored and new pistons fitted. Need to take a good look at the crankshaft tomorrow and if it needs work I'll let the shop source the bearings. Everything else I can handle myself so I"ll be contacting some of the vendors you all have suggested. I have been checking prices online for various parts and have found some very different pricing on the same items. Main bearings $164 at NAPA, $84 at Kanter, and $50 at Roberts. Guess I'll have to do a little more research. Thanks for all the responces. Barry
  14. Welcome. I think your car is pretty cool. Barry
  15. All right, thats what I'm after! Let's hear some more.
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