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About loveoldiron

  • Birthday 02/11/1974

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  • Biography
    me and my buddies are working on a 49 d-24 deluxe 4 door and early 50's 2 door coupe they are cool
  • Occupation
    own a used car lot in columbia, s.c.


  • Location
    chapin, s.c.
  • Interests
    hot roddin cars
  1. thanks for all the info guys we will get to work on the wheels and get some screw in stems a give it another go ill let you know how it goes.
  2. we got some michelin 215 75 15 for it and nobody can seem to make them work. we tried with new tubes and the tire didnt seem to seat the bead very well. we also tried some oversized valve stems and tried putting them on without tubes that didnt work either. everybody says to buy new wheels but we really want to use the originals with the dog dish caps. im not sure what to do.
  3. im looking to put some new tires on my 49 d24 4door with the original wheels, what size and manufacturer should i go with and im on a budget. thanks for any advice.
  4. we are in the process of removing the flattie out of our 52 4 door coronet just looking for any advice or tips yall may have. like can you break the tranny away from the motor before you pull or does it have to come out together. also trying to remove core support and having trouble with that as well do you have to remove the grill assembly to remove that or will it come out without. also looks like the tranny crossmember is riveted in place how does that come out for tranny and motor removal. sorry for so many questions we started pulling the motor out 2 days ago and its moving along kinda slow. i can have a smallblock chevy out and on an engine stand in about an hour. dodge really put these things together well didnt they. anyway thanks in advance for yalls help
  5. ive heard of them, from what ive heard they dont work well with radial tires. i heard they tend to make the tire leak. thats all i know.
  6. A.J. Fowlkes Chapin S.C., 20 minutes from Columbia S.C.
  7. does anybody know if i can change my name that displays by my posts.
  8. anybody let me know where i can get one and i would be willing to pay the price. this is the only thing keeping us from being in the wind and riding. ill check the places yall mentioned and ill let you know what i come up with.
  9. thank you for the info now i just have to find one that somebody is willing to let go
  10. i have a 49 dodge d24 4door i need a rear brake drum but not sure what years interchange andy bernbaum said that only 42-48 were the same and 49-54 were the same does anybody know. i saw a pic of a 48 rearend on the forum and it sure does look the same as what i have. thanks in advance for any help.
  11. i need passenger rear brake drum i have a 49 d24
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