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  1. Guys: Found this discussion to be enlightening, as I have ne of those EWJ 4001 motors that came in a box of mopar parts that I bought mainly to get some window cranks and other stuff. The motor looks good, and has the mount and arms with it, and about 2 feet of the cable, and then it is snipped with no switch. If anyone is in any way interested in this motor, I'd sell it cheap. Let me know and I can give measurements abut mount, arm lengths, and I can possibly test it too, but am just about to leave for 3 month vacation in Florida, so wouldn't be able to consummate anything till I return about mid April. Any interested parties can contact me at mdracine@comcast.net.....Mike
  2. Guys: After more research, it seems I went at this deal with some erroneous assumptions, chiefly that the top on my car was the same as the 46-48 D-24's after looking at the top site that rb 1949 suggested, it seems that the tops from 40 thru 42 are the same, and I possibly need to get the snap to snap to snap dimensions from someone that had one of those cars, and pursuing this on the AACA site that Plymouthy suggested might be a good move also. Once again, a hearty thanks to all who have tried to help me, and if anyone out there has a 40-42 Dodge that they would be willing to measure, I'd be eternally grateful. As a postscript, it seems that the Chrysler tops are indeed different, and the website lists several models of Chrysler tops for coupe converts, club coupe converts, windsors, T.C. etc, and they list them as fitting 40-41 and 46-48. Strangely the 42 year isn't mentioned at all?
  3. Plymouthy: Going to the AACA might be a good move. I thought this D24 site might be the deal, but so far all the responses I have are from Chrysler guys. I do, however mightily appreciate the efforts of all who have responded whether productive or not so much.
  4. Norman: Are you sure that the spacing is 8 1/2 inches consistently? I've seen pictures of Dodge ones and it looks like the space between the 3rd and 4th ones are a lot closer. What I have on mine is 3 on each side and the spacing between is 6 1/4 inches, then I'm missing all the ones that go around the back that I think might be the other 8.
  5. Norman: Does your Chrysler have 17 snaps around the outside like the 46-48 Chryslers do? If so, it is probably not the same. I suspect, but not completely sure that the Dodge has only about 14 or possibly 15 snaps. If your 41 Chrysler one has less than 17, I'd be very interested in what snap to snap to snap measurements you could come up with going around the outside. Thanks, and wishing I could help you with the speedometer deal. I had to build a hybrid cable for my Dodge because it has a later model auto trans in it. I cut a couple of housings apart, one 42 Dodge, and one G.M. one, welded them together, then got one of those universal inner cables, stuck it inside my housing, being sure it slid fully into the trans then cut the other end to a length that allowed 1/2 inch of the square part sticking past the end of the housing, greased it a bit, put it together, and 1300 miles later, it's still working. Hope this helps you in any way?...Mike
  6. I've done a couple sets of these, and it's one of those things that once you've done it you'll think it's easy. One set I did had a couple divots in the track that made them want to kind of stick at a certain point, so disassembled them, took a dremel tool, and kind of blended the divot into the surrounding metal, and after greasing and re-assembly they worked well
  7. Knuckle: See you've got a 42. Sorry I can't help you with the stuff you've listed, but as you get into it you'll probably need other stuff? I took 2 42's to make one, so have some leftovers. You can contact me directly at mdracine@comcast.net......Mike
  8. One thing I didn't mention in my prior post, but which should be obvious is that when replacing springs, and altering the height, certain alignment characteristics are altered also, especially the camber, so when we get the height right, and have the 1/2 inch differential, then we need to follow up with an alignment job.
  9. Unfortunately, it's not that easy, as there's a liner in the well that blocks access from the inside, and of course the installation of the top blocks access from the outside, so I'm thinking that the only thing that can save me would be a guy with a D-24 convertible, and a tape measure. Many thanks, though to you, and also to all the other guys that took time to respond.
  10. It's the same in some areas, but I know for a fact that it's different in the area where the snaps go. I myself have a Chrysler 17 snap boot, and I know it's way different than my Dodge. My car does have 3 snaps on each side where the top material snaps to the body. but they are way closer together than the ones on the Chrysler boot. I've seen some pictures of Dodges, and I believe the total snap count is something like 14 or 15 but thanks again for your replies
  11. Thanks for the reply, but I do know from experience that the Chrysler has more snaps and in different pattern than the Dodge. Also, the P-15 Plymouth is different. I think the Desoto is the same as the Chrysler, and that leaves the Dodges as unique to themselves.
  12. One more weigh in on the spring deal. The service manual for my Dodge (D-22 and D-24) says check the height from the grease zerk in the outer part of the lower arm to the floor of your garage, and then check the height of the inner grease zerk (where the arm attaches to the frame.) The inner should be 1/2 inch higher than the lower. I believe cutting springs upsets this geometry and affects steering? I'm thinking that this 1/2 inch deal applies to all mopars of this period, and if the number is less than the 1/2 inch you have sag, and should replace the springs, or else use some of those aluminum spacers that the parts houses used to sell?
  13. I wish it were that easy, unfortunately, the installation of the top covered up the holes. The guy that put the top on really pulled a rock on that one!
  14. Help! Help! I recently had a top put on my Dodge which is a 42, D-22 but I think is the same dimensionally as a D-24, and the guy that did it didn't put any snaps around the back side, so I can't get a boot made till I install some after the fact. Is there anyone out there in a warm weather state (It's 20 degrees below zero here in Minnesota) that could tell me how many total snaps there are around the backside, and could take a tape measure, and get me some snap to snap to snap etc. dimensions? I'd be most grateful, and willing to reciprocate by responding to any inquiries you might have that I could help with. Thanks a million in advance for any response...Mike
  15. Help! Help! I recently had a top put on my Dodge which is a 42, D-22 but I think is the same dimensionally as a D-24, and the guy that did it didn't put any snaps around the back side, so I can't get a boot made till I install some after the fact. Is there anyone out there in a warm weather state (It's 20 degrees below zero here in Minnesota) that could tell me how many total snaps there are around the backside, and could take a tape measure, and get me some snap to snap to snap etc. dimensions? I'd be most grateful, and willing to reciprocate by responding to any inquiries you might have that I could help with. Thanks a million in advance for any response...Mike
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