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Everything posted by cole18cars

  1. The only reason to move the battery is I need to remove it during the winter. I thank you for opening my eyes, the trunk has more than enough room versus the engine compartment. Thanks.
  2. B,I,U. Want to know how to relocate battery from under seat to engine compartment.
  3. B,I,U.
  4. My building company has done several epoxy floor coatings. There are a few things to consider. The concrete must be "fully" cured, about 4-6 months. Concrete does not fully cure for many years. Any saw cuts or should be filled, its hard to get the epoxy to stick to the edges and if water gets into the saw cut the epoxy will lift. Most imporant there are different grades of floor epoxy and finally, prep work will determine the sucess of the project.
  5. Maybe some rodents chewed some electrical wires. Shorting out, or grounding out. I put one of those leather boots on the rear drive shaft, and something ate the better part of it over the winter.
  6. Found a wooden wedge, I think to chock the wheels when changing a tire, had Plymouth markings on it. This was after I cleaned out dozens of walnuts, car was from California.
  7. I am not going to be home for a few weeks and will try to snap a few pics.
  8. Did the same mods and was running rich also. I ditched the individual air cleaners and made a single, larger air cleaner that covers both carbs. I used an oval, open filter, more air I think solved the rich problem.
  9. Also remember that the psi goes down as the altitude goes up.
  10. Randy, I hope to be there Sat. Will look you up. I have relocated to Fort Collins, so I'm closer then I was before [ Winter Park ]
  11. What potential harm could occur to our old engines, fuel lines, fuel pumps, gaskets etc. with the 10%-15% ethanol gasoline that is available? I know that I have changed a rubber gas line after about a year. It looked and felt like a sponge. Thanks
  12. Love my Coker 16". Put tubes in just in case.
  13. Could also be a collapsing lower radiator hose.
  14. Should be a steel tube form the oil filter, not a steel encased rubber hose. I have a 99% original P-8. On my car, the door from the passenger side to the trunk has a lever style locking handle, not the one shown. Which is correct? The more I look at this car, the more I would like to find out the differences between the P-7, and the P-8. Mine has the column shift, radio delete, heater delete, oil bath filter, single horn, steel angle at the radiator hose, etc. Thanks
  15. I tried the set up that Summit sent with my intake. It was a generic fit all, and didn't work, too much slop to balance the carbs. I to made my own out of heavier stock. Tried several versions until I got it right. Not home right now, but will try to get a pic soon.
  16. 39's have there own bucket. From what I've seen on E-Bay, they are quite expensive.
  17. Hello, I'm wondering what effect timing has on a lean or rich condition? Thanks
  18. I want to thank Don for his suggestion on having more air filters on a dual carb setup. I was running far to rich and took Don's advice and upgraded my air filter system. I didn't do it as Don did, I built a single air filter that has both carbs attached. I wound up using a 9" x 14" x 2" air filter I bought at Auto Zone $15.00 and built a housing around it. Took it for a cruise, and now maybe a bit too lean, but I'll fix that. Thanks again.
  19. Hello, I have a 39 with the coil that goes thru the fire wall. Might need to replace someday and wonder how to hook up a coil that does not have the armored cable etc. I would patch the firewall hole and mount in the engine compartment. Any ideas? Thanks
  20. I also tried to use the Uni-Sync tool, but when I put it over one carb, the engine almost died. I have dual one barrels on a Offy intake. I opened the tool as much as possible, but still no luck, lack of air? Spent good money on this tool, but can't seem to get it to work. Any help? Thanks
  21. Bought mine from Coker 16" x 6" also bought inner tubes. Was told my original wheels would not hold air with tubeless. I think they were $195 each including shipping.
  22. I have heard of this procedure of putting water into the carb to clean the carbon buildup. My question is, I have dual one barrel carbs on a Offy intake. Question one, What is the down side to this practice, head gasket, valves etc. Second, which carb, or does it make a difference, to pour the water into? Third, is the water a trickle, so the engine doesn't die? Thanks
  23. OK can turn the distributer, used a vacuum gage at the windshield wiper port, (Offy dual 1 carbs) got 15 lbs (I live at 9000') . At the same time I used a timing lite and am about 10 degrees advanced. This is about where I started, One thing I noticed with the timing lite, was every once in awhile the lite would skip ie. hit hit hit skip hit. Does this mean that the spark plug is missing also? While reading the search archives, it mentions a bare wire in the distributer that can ground. Could this be the cause of frequent dead batteries? Thanks.
  24. Yey, it all makes sense now. I remember now when I changed the oil pump that the dist looks like a screw driver on the end. Confused with my mustang. Thanks to all.
  25. Hello, I have a 39 Ply 201 engine. I'm trying to time the engine with a timing light. Looking at the engine from the drivers side, the light shows spark starts at about 10 degrees before the TDC mark as the hub rotates from this view counter clockwise, clockwise as viewed from the front of the car. I can turn the dizzy counter clockwise which accelerates the the spark on the BFTDC, but cannot turn it clockwise. Is my dizzy off a tooth or two? If so, how hard is it to rotate the dizzy to get back to adjustability. I hope this is not to confusing, but probably is. Bottom line, which way do you turn the dizzy for BTDC and ATDC Thanks.
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