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Bob S.

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    machining,cars,hot rods
  • My Project Cars
    1933 Plymouth two door sedan

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  • Biography
    retired fleet mechanic
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    machining,hot rods

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  1. Bob S.


    A friend who is a member was trying to post a question from his work computer. It wouldn't work for him. Just wanted to make sure the problem wasn't on the forum Thanks?
  2. Bob S.


    does it work
  3. Bob S.


    I would be interested in that early overdrive also
  4. You didn't say if you torqued them to specs. They have to be a lot tighter than you would think. I have tightened them to what I thought was tight and they leaked. Tighten to proper torque and no leaks. good luck , Bob. You will have to look up the torque spec for year and model. sometimes the spec is hard to find but a factory manual will have it. I think this is why a lot of guys have trouble with leaks at the banjo fittings.
  5. Thanks for the replies. Time to get the machining done.
  6. Hi , All I am rebuilding this engine for my old Plymouth. The head gasket was leaking between cylinders 3 and 4. It must have sat with coolant in these two cylinders for a long time. The deck surface is sunk in around the valve area about .035''. This caused the area where the head gasket seals to be narrow and probably won't seal. Do you think I can get away with resurfacing the block .035-.040'' Or should I find another block. I know the valve seats would have to be lowered also. The pistons would stick out about .020''. The head gasket is .070'' thick used. Thanks, Bob S.
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