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  • My Project Cars
    1952 Dodge Route Van


  • Location
  • Interests
    Vintage Vans

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  1. Hey Mopar Pals - How's everyone doing and any new Route Van spottings?
  2. Hey Guys Hey Merle - I wil be in Madison next weekend...drop me an email and I will send you my number
  3. Here is a Dodge Route Van fan page on Facebook...https://www.facebook.com/DodgeRouteVan
  4. thank you...have anyone else been able to track another DRV?
  5. does anyone have a number for charlie?
  6. Thanks for the note, but I haven't checked any a mail, so was unaware. Glad to know it comes via a message.
  7. I am looking for a Dodge Route Van any leads? Email me please Brandon.Byrd@mac.com
  8. Does anyone know who owns this van or where its located? If so, please email me (Brandon.Byrd@mac.com) or send me a DM, please.
  9. Thanks guys for all the replies. Has anyone seen one lately?
  10. Lol...You got to be a Badger fan, if you live in WI...lol
  11. Thanks Merle and do you one yourself? I see you're from Waukesha...small world because I am from Madison, WI
  12. Hi Fellow Mopar - I am looking to buy a Dodge Route Van (see attached photo) either this one or another one. Ideally, the smaller body style van. If you have one or know of one sitting please email me at Brandon.Byrd@mac.com or call me please 202-630-6455 Thanks, Brandon
  13. Hi Fellow Mopar - I am looking to buy a Dodge Route Van (see attached photo) either this one or another one. Ideally, the smaller body style van. If you have one or know of one sitting please email me at Brandon.Byrd@mac.com or call me please 202-630-6455 Thanks, Brandon
  14. Hey Gang - I am new to the site, but have been a big fan of the Dodge Route Van. I am just started my search to acquire one, but figured I'd check in with the experts. I am interested in buying a DRV, can anyone point me in the right direction? I am attaching a photo of one, so please contact me for any leads. Here is my email Brandon.Byrd@mac.com Thank You!
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