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Conn47D24 last won the day on July 8 2023

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  • Gender
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    East Haven Connecticut
  • My Project Cars
    1947 D24 Club Coupe

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    30 Plus! Years of getting back on the road.
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    Realtor 24/7 !


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  1. Clay was reading your post about find tdc. So you were able to get the timeing tool with the light that went intot he plug hole on number 6 piston.  If you did this is a good find. can you send me pictures of the tool?


    I can not help with your questions since I am not a great engine builder. Might also look at the vibration dampener on the flat portion and then llok at the degree marks.  I put white paint on the appropriate line to get a reference point so when the timing light flashes I canthen see the line. My degree mark is 2 degrees before TDC. not sure of yours but would assume it might be the same.  You can use a 12 volt timing light but just switch the leads.  The positive or red clip would go to the engine block and the black clip then goes to your power source. Since I have the foot pedal starter motor I connect my black lead to this end on the starter selinoid to get power because this is were my battery cable is attached.


    Rich Hartung


    1. Conn47D24


      Hi Rich,


      I will send you photos.   I am only using the rod section and the dial since the electronics on my car are not are together yet, no light.


      Great advice on the timing light as I have a 12 v one and thought it was an issue on 6v.  Good !


      Meanwhile I hope I get an answer on my main question soon. ?


    2. desoto1939


      Here is a thought if you  have a 6 volt battery charger then hook up the leads to the light to the clips on the charger this will power the light so that when the metal rod comes up to the proper height it then should make some form of contact to make the light come on.  I think this should work give it a try by hooking it up this way and then move the rod up and down instile the metal tube to see if the light works. If it dos then you should be good to go.


      Just thinkingout of the box so to say.


    3. Conn47D24


      Ill give that a go.

      Also will open up the valve cover and check tappets.

      Thanks Rich

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